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USPS is having problems and sellers get blamed!

I've noticed that USPS is having major issues, caused not least by Coronavirus but also intentional policies that are designed to hurt the Post Office (thank you, government).


Some first-class packages have been taking 5-10 days for delivery, and even Priority Mail is no longer reliable.


I have been getting cases, complaints, and now bad feedbacks, as if the buyer can't look at the tracking and see it was shipped the same day they ordered.


This is frustrating, does anyone know if eBay will help with these feedbacks if they were shipped on time?

Message 1 of 51
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USPS is having problems and sellers get blamed!

I know, that is frustrating. I did get some feedback modified. A customer left bad feedback and they could have looked at the tracking just like me and seen it was out for delivery. It was actually already at the door and they didn't notice.

Message 16 of 51
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USPS is having problems and sellers get blamed!

Yeah, I just noticed that. My bad feedback was exactly what your example said. "4 days after and still not here" I think it said. They did agree to modify it because it arrived that day. I've prepared a form letter to send to **bleep** off customers.

Message 17 of 51
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USPS is having problems and sellers get blamed!

Right, this is the problem. They've been slowing bleeding money and it was done intentionally by a shadowy group wanting to privatize the post office. 


I've been writing some senators and congressmen.  Our republican congresswoman Martha McSally responded and just said to vote for her, our democratic congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema actually responded with some useful information, here's some excerpts:


"Over the past decade, however, the USPS has suffered significant financial difficulties. In 2006, Congress passed the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act, which required the USPS to spend between $5.5 and $5.8 billion each year to fund health benefits for current and future employees. This pre-funding requirement, which no other federal government agency has to follow, has significantly contributed to a precarious financial situation, along with declining mail volume and an expansion of e-commerceTo date, the USPS has missed $43 billion in pre-funding payments. As of the end of fiscal year 2018, the USPS had $89 billion in liabilities and only $27 billion in assets, representing a deficit of more than $62 billion."


"On July 29, 2020, the Treasury Department and the USPS reached a loan agreement. Under the loan terms, the USPS will have access to the $10 billion until March 2022. In order to access this credit, the Postal Service must have a cash balance of less than $8 billion and spend any loan funds drawn within 30 days. The USPS agreed to provide Treasury with proprietary information on its top negotiated service contracts with private sector partners, such as Amazon, FedEx, and UPS, and submit monthly reports to Treasury. Supporters of the loan terms argue they will help the Postal Service get on better financial footing. Opponents argue the disclosure of proprietary information gives the Administration too much authority over the Postal Service and could lead to higher prices for third-party shippers and customers, threatening the ability of rural America to obtain affordable delivery services."


This second paragraph is troubling.

Message 18 of 51
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USPS is having problems and sellers get blamed!

You could, but I'd base that decision on a few things though. If it's not a huge amount of money then maybe just move on. Also, if you did not get any negative feedback, maybe count your blessings and move on.

Message 19 of 51
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USPS is having problems and sellers get blamed!


 USPS is reporting only minor operational delays per their website as of today. I think they might want to update this based on what I'm seeing on the forums.🤷‍♀️

Message 20 of 51
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USPS is having problems and sellers get blamed!

I'm not a seller here and only a buyer on Ebay. However, these delays are the worst I have ever seen as a buyer since the slow downs during the beginning of the Covid19 pandemic. The past two weeks, my packages have been delayed massively and it's so much worse.  Every single package that I am waiting for from from my Ebay sellers (8 of them) are all are marked "Delayed In Transit" and have no estimated delivery dates next to them. Most of them are Priority Mail and the rest are First Class packages.


I even have an Amazon package that tracking said was on the truck out for delivery today. I was waiting for it all day long. At the end of the day there was a huge red warning text next to the tracking on my item on the website and in my USPS Informed Delivery Dashboard that reads "ALERT". "Missing Scan". I have not received it. I never had any issues with USPS until the pandemic started. Recently things started to get better until suddenly the last two weeks, all of my Priority Mail and First Class packages are arriving very late and showing up in 7-12 days when they used to arrive in only 2-3 days. 


I sell on another venue and decided to ditch USPS and signed up for an account with UPS now. I used USPS to ship my items since 1998 and never seen so much problems with it until now. It is no longer a reliable service anymore. What a **bleep** shame!

Message 21 of 51
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USPS is having problems and sellers get blamed!

In the past 2 weeks, Ebay has been giving me defects for late delivery. The first couple of times they removed the defects. Now Ebay refuses to remove the defects saying I need to do better to keep my customers happy. I have zero control on how long a package takes to be delivered once I've given it to the USPS. At the rate things are going, I'm within 2 weeks of losing Top Rated status because of too many late delivery defects. I just changed the handling time on all my listings from 1 day to 3 days, hoping that the extra 2 days will give the USPS an extra 2 days to deliver.

Message 22 of 51
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USPS is having problems and sellers get blamed!

Ebay may announce that, but in practice it's not happening. I'm getting late delivery defects and have appealed, only to be told the defect can't be removed and I just need to try harder to keep customers happy.

Message 23 of 51
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USPS is having problems and sellers get blamed!

This thread is a few months old I know but this is still going on at least here in Denver CO. Late delayed packages. 

Message 24 of 51
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USPS is having problems and sellers get blamed!

@abca-5779 wrote:

That fortune article you linked to is a farce written by someone trying to push a agenda of doing away with the post office.


"He estimates that, all told, the subsidies and legal monopolies that Congress bestows upon the post office is worth $18 billion annually."


What the heck is this guying talking about?


The post office has a SINGLE monopoly on First Class Mail under the U.S. Constitution. The post office was established by the Second Continental Congress in 1775 and predates the the ratification of the Constitution in 1788.


"Post office officials have often attributed the losses to the decline in demand for first class mail in favor of more efficient modes of communication"


Here are the actual facts:


First Class Mail volume has dropped from 77.6 billions pieces in 2010 to 16.5 billion pieces in 2019. That is due to more efficient ways of communication such emails, online bill payments and online banking which do not require the use of First Class Mail services.


"and congressional mandates"


Below is a link to an article from February, 2020, regarding a vote in House of Representatives to end the horrible Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act which required the prefunding of retirement costs for 75 years. This bill required USPS to set aside up to $110 billion dollars over the course of 10 years to cover the potential cost of retirees for the next 75 years.


USPS had lost money for 13 years straight and most of those loses have been due to this bill. In 2019; for instance, 83% of USPS's $8.8 billion loss was due to this bill that was introduced by Congress to raid USPS funds to offset their own overspending. This money is not sitting in an account anywhere earning interest for USPS. Congress has already spent it and given USPS a IOU just as Congress has given the American taxpayers an IOU for all the money paid into social security all these years.

"Saturdays and to unprofitable parts of the country"


Actually its far worse than that. Congress has has along history of requiring more and more from USPS beyond it original mandate. The oldest form of Congressional fraud in regards to the Post Office was appointing unqualified family members, friends and political allies to local postmaster jobs.


When the Post Office was established by the Constitution its distance based fees only covered the transfer of items from one post office to another post office. It didn't include home delivery. It was your job to get your letter to a local post office. Whoever was to receive the letter needed to get to travel to the local post office to pickup it up.


Free delivery to a limited number of city addresses was not introduced until 1863 when local revenues would cover expenses. By 1880 it was offered in 104 cities and 796 cities by 1900. Free rural delivery was not experimented with until 1896 and did not become permanent until 1902. Parcel Post was added in 1913.


Saturday delivery has been suspended in 1947 for some cities due to budget problems. In 1957 it was temporarily suspended nationwide. Parcel Post Saturday delivery was suspended in over 6,000 cities from May 1964 to January 1966 due to budget concerns.


"Laws that bar any other shipping service from delivering mail and packages directly to residential and business mailboxes."


What is this guy talking about?


USPS has a monopoly on First Class Mail which includes letters and small packages that weigh up 13 ounces (15.9 ounces commercial rate). UPS and FedEx are free to delivery packages to residential addresses so long as they do not contain First Class Mail!


"The Post Office is exempt from state and local property and real estate taxes, along with other burdens like tolls, vehicle registration fees, and parking tickets. These exemptions save the USPS $2.18 billion per year."

But then UPS & FedEx both USPS to complete deliveries as it cheaper than completing the delivery themselves. So how much does this save FedEx and UPS?


In turn USPS's largest paid contractor is FedEx, which uses it fleet of airplanes to move USPS's time sensitive packages, with USPS completing the final delivery. So how much less business would FedEx have if USPS dropped them as a contractor?


"These higher labor costs, plus the absence of a need to innovate due to government-granted monopolies"

Once again what is this guy talking about? USPS has a monopoly on First Class Mail only.




In response to this part of your post :

"Laws that bar any other shipping service from delivering mail and packages directly to residential and business mailboxes."


What is this guy talking about?


USPS has a monopoly on First Class Mail which includes letters and small packages that weigh up 13 ounces (15.9 ounces commercial rate). UPS and FedEx are free to delivery packages to residential addresses so long as they do not contain First Class Mail!"


Other carriers are barred from putting packages inside mailboxes.  As well as individuals, simply put only the customer and the postal worker should open any mailbox. 


As a mail carrier I often notice canvassing. Be that Avon catalogs or like last week a business card for a guy running a small trash pick up service. These we collect and give to the Postmaster. Some are legit business but there are also people who make up flyers and stuff boxes looking for items to steal. USPS delivers close to 100 BILLION dollars worth of prescriptions annually, Our rural customers leave money in their boxes to purchase stamps and a few even purchase Money Orders straight from their mailboxes, not to mention a multitude of other small packages and mail that can be used to steal identity's.    And packages from other carriers fill mailboxes then we can't deliver the mail.  

Message 25 of 51
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USPS is having problems and sellers get blamed!

@themanualguy wrote:

The biggest problems I am having with shipping is the bigger Depos Like NJ and CA. seems like everytime I check tracking on items it will be in NJ for several days. I am sure the co19 is making it harder for them, and more people are buying online.


Those are also the places hit hardest by Covid and the areas where DeJoy has removed sorting equipment.

Message 26 of 51
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USPS is having problems and sellers get blamed!

It is now December 19, 2020, and USPS is getting worst by the day. I have a small eBay site that sells cheap items that are mailed with a first-class stamp, Mailed over 14,000 orders that way. Never, ever a problem until recently. Buyers are opening cases, getting a refund. Then they actually get their order which was delayed by USPS. Some buyers have been honest to tell me the order actually arrived after eBay closed their case and I was forced to give a refund.


I am more concerned with the defects that eBay has piled on me because of the post office issue. I have been a reliable seller for over 8 years, have two eBay stores, shipped more than 35,000 orders, have a high feedback number and high positive rate. Yet, because there is no tracking they won't give relief during this postal mess. It has put my cheap site below standard for something out of our control. Again, I don't care about the people getting the refunds, I want my Above Standard back on my cheap store. My other store is a Top-Rated Seller.


eBay give the reliable sellers who have a long track record of a positive history some relief with this USPS screw-up. Don't punish the little seller who sells cheap items, they make money for you, too!


Message 27 of 51
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USPS is having problems and sellers get blamed!

Ebay doesn't protect the seller in Post office delays, I had someone place a case against me American Girl $135.00 , called Dec. 21 Ebay customer service and they told me that I had to wait 3 days call back on the morning Dec. 25  and asked for a 10 day extension which I did that following Dec. 25 evening Ebay closed the case and gave the bidder $135.00 from my account not only do they get their money back but they can also keep the doll customer service " we expect bidder to be honest and pay for doll, but that is their chose",  Ebay mishandled this situation, and didn't keep true to their word.  I have over 10 more items that are delayed with the Post Office from the beginning of Dec 3 I am going to lose a lot of money, I can't be the only one in this situation

Message 28 of 51
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USPS is having problems and sellers get blamed!

Just where does the 16 billion come from? Maybe Santy Clause is going to give it to them for Christmas.  - Other then the education system there is no other business that would still be around if it was run like that for over a year.


(BTW, , Bunky,  The money the "gubment" GIVES USPS comes from your 1040 and not from some tree behind the White House.  It's know as the Internal REVENUE Service for nothing you know. 

Message 29 of 51
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USPS is having problems and sellers get blamed!

Exactly.  If everyone would just chill out and remember these two things: 

1.  EBay's largest base is the casual moderate volume seller who does not need to offer fancy express shipping options to cater to unrealistic expectations for items that are not time sensitive.

2.  Mr. Buyer can wait a couple of extra days for a hermitically sealed Star Wars action figure being sold at an extreme loss to the seller only for it to end up sitting for years on your bedroom shelf collecting dust!


Nuff said...

Message 30 of 51
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