08-26-2022 08:52 AM
Hi there!
Need help and advice! I have an oversize straw hat (and I mean OVERSIZE!) to ship. Can I fold this thing without damaging it? The brim is 25 inches around, very large.
Thanks for the help!
08-26-2022 09:02 AM - edited 08-26-2022 09:02 AM
I don't see a large hat under your Sold listings, so let me ask a question. Is it a large-brimmed sun hat? If so, and it's flexible enough, you can 'roll' it into a more narrow box, but it's gonna have to be at least 25" or more in length.
I sell hats and have sold my share of sun hats... what's the listing number, so that I can see it? 🤔
08-26-2022 09:07 AM
I can't imagine that a brittle straw hat can be folded without damage.
08-26-2022 09:12 AM
@Anonymous wrote:I can't imagine that a brittle straw hat can be folded without damage.
You are correct. I'd love to see how 'brittle' it is, too. 👀
There's a brand (c.c, I think), who makes a very flexible 'paper' hat that will roll up... great for vacations, etc. But if the OP has anything besides a 'packable'/'foldable' one, the OP will have one big ole box to ship.
08-26-2022 09:13 AM
These are details that need to be known before creating a listing. How does one set up a listing without knowing if the shipping will be accurate?
The person who could determine if it is foldable and to what degree, would be the person who has the hat.
Have you tried folding it? Is it perhaps meant to fold and then roll up?
08-26-2022 12:46 PM
When you say "25 inches around" do you mean the circumference? If so that makes it about 16" in diameter. An 18 x 18 x ? box should serve nicely. If you can hold the height to 5" you are under one cubic foot. At 6" or more you are over so UPS/FedEx will be the best buy.
BUT you may have hurt yourself with $15.00 shipping. Gonna cost a lot more than that if it needs an oversized box.
This, and these, are the kinds of question you should ask BEFORE you even buy the item, let alone list it.
08-26-2022 12:50 PM
If you'll look again, it is sold. I just decided I would do the best I could. It's an expensive Anthropologie sun hat, it is straw 25 in around. Thank-you for answering my question in a polite and noncondescending manner. I've been a reseller sine 1998, and just ran across something I wanted to run by hat sellers.
08-26-2022 12:53 PM
Item #250902316221 Anthropologie Sun Hat.
08-26-2022 01:18 PM
Wow, that is a big hat. Maybe check the item on the Anthropologie website to see how they claim to ship it.
08-26-2022 01:32 PM - edited 08-26-2022 01:36 PM
Sorry, but that hat is not 25" ........ around.
Looks more like 25" ..................... across.
I looks like it would tip up around the circumference which, as suggested by another, may allow it to fit in an 18x18x5.