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Shipment Received vs Package Accepted

I forget the rule to this one. Do the bots recognize "shipment received" as I don't have the item anymore? An item shipped out yesterday currently has the tracking info "Shipment Received, Package Acceptance Pending". But in ebay when I click on the tracking it shows that exact status, but 4 hours later has a newer status "SHIPPING LBL CREATED USPS AWAITS ITEM" located in a different city from the previous status.


Am I still on the hook according to ebay to ship that darn item out?? What's required to get a "shipment received" status, a scan? What's required to get a "Package Accepted" status, also a scan? Why one, and not the other then?

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Shipment Received vs Package Accepted

What you are looking at is terminology used by your carrier as your package travels through it's network towards it's final destination.


All of those details do not concern the shipper and crucial thing for you is that 1st scan (Receipt of item) is done and the next one of interest to you is Delivered.


Please keep in mind that there will be a time lag between what is shown on carriers website and  eBay showing the same information.


My advice would be not to bother about all this and depending on service and expected delivery date I would check 1 day after ETA  and if item was not delivered I still would not worry as I would expect delays due to COVID 19. 


Hpe this helps

Message 2 of 6
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Shipment Received vs Package Accepted

Not applicable

Personally I just look on the Shipping Labels page to see if it is "In Transit". That's my key that they've acknowledged receipt.

Message 3 of 6
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Shipment Received vs Package Accepted

"Shipment Received, Package Acceptance Pending" is a legal (so to speak) proof for ebay (or 3rd party insurers) to recognize that your package was mailed.


If you go to the post office and ask your package to be scanned at the counter, the tracking shows different language, something like USPS in possession of the item (don't remember exactly).


Either way, you are covered. As the others said, ebay tracking lags a little bit, but you don't need to worry about it, if the USPS site shows the above.


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Shipment Received vs Package Accepted



"Shipment Received, Package Acceptance Pending".


That is the terminology used by the USPS when one uses a scan sheet.  Or at least that is what I learned several months ago when I saw that on a purchase and the seller kept telling me it was shipped. 


Anyway, What that line means is - The "shipment", aka the group of packages on the scan sheet, has been received.  However, the individual package has yet to be scanned and thus is considered "pending."   I guess a scan sheet is like a scan at the APC - a kind of temporary scan until each individual package is scanned in the backroom.  So the package one is looking for has not been scanned and thus has not "officially" been received.


Again, the analogy of the APC should hold here:  You could "scan" an insured item at the APC and walk out the door with it instead of tossing it into the bin.  Same with a scan sheet,  there is no "proof" USPS has any item on an APC scan or a scan sheet in their possession until each item is individually scanned.  One could include several insured packages on a scan sheet, deliver a bunch of packages to the USPS, but leave out the insured ones.  So USPS isn't going to "accept" that an item is in their possession until each package gets an individual scan of its own.


Of course the "fix" to this is get each package individually scanned and walk out with a receipt, which of course kind of negates the value of a scan sheet!  Sigh.


No idea how the Bots look at this.  I suspect they aren't that granular to distinguish between "shipment received" and "package pending."  If it causes grief on seller metrics, I suspect the eMail approach to CS and description of how the scan sheet process works would get the metrics reset. er, as long as there is a subsequent scan.


It is your buyer who is going to be scratching their head wondering what scam the seller is running on them getting a shipment received, but not accepted and then a label created later.  Ain't this fun?😜

Message 5 of 6
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Shipment Received vs Package Accepted

@Anonymous wrote:

Personally I just look on the Shipping Labels page to see if it is "In Transit". That's my key that they've acknowledged receipt.

I primarily don’t use eBay postage labels.

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