04-06-2020 12:01 PM
I had to return a shirt to a seller, and they accepted it right away. They did however respond with this:
Since I have your email address for a refund, if you can send it back Monday, not the amount it cost, I'll refund it all. Sorry for your inconvenience. ebay shipping is twice the cost that you and I actually incur sending it through the post office. Thank you
I replied by saying I prefer to do everything through eBay. Should I be concerned, or is this a reasonable request by the Seller? If it is reasonable, how should I proceed?
If someone could let me know, that would be great!
04-06-2020 12:14 PM
Don't contact your seller again.
At the end of 3 business days, eBay will notice that your seller has not issued a return label, and will either issue a label on behalf of the seller (written in those words) or show you a third option to ask eBay to step in (do that).
04-06-2020 12:18 PM
04-06-2020 12:43 PM
Will do.
04-06-2020 12:44 PM
Makes sense.
I'm so glad for everybody's feedback.
Thank you!