12-29-2017 04:38 AM
I was wondering about it for along time
We have different handling time on our porducts.
When bought together as one order, Ebay shows to shipping times.
Which shipping time is the correct one?
Do we need to ship on the sooner one or the later?
(for example silver items take 1 day handling, but gold-plated need 3-days for plating, but customers often by both together)
Thank you for any ideas!
12-29-2017 04:49 AM
@kom-jewelry wrote:
(for example silver items take 1 day handling, but gold-plated need 3-days for plating,
Why aren't items ready to ship before you, list them?
Regardless of handling times or deadlines, you should ship within one business day in most cases. Handling times are to allow for the unexepected delay.
I can see execeptions to that for customized items, but plating should not fall into that area.
12-29-2017 04:59 AM
We normally have them on stock, but as you said - it's for unexpected cases (when we need to plate them again)
My question still stands - if two bought items have two different handling times - what is Ebays stance on this?
12-29-2017 06:53 AM
@kom-jewelry wrote:We normally have them on stock, but as you said - it's for unexpected cases (when we need to plate them again)
My question still stands - if two bought items have two different handling times - what is Ebays stance on this?
You ship the silver within 1 Day and the gold within 3. You cannot delay the item with 1 Day handling because of the other item ... the shipping metric is based on the handling time of that listing
You might be better off changing the handling time on the silver to 3 days to match the gold.
12-29-2017 08:01 AM
Wouldn't you save on shipping cost if you ship them together?
Life what those who responded said, it would be better to change them to same handling period.
01-02-2018 02:45 AM
Ok, so I see Ebay is a bit lousy here. If all order goes in one package with one shipping, the date of shipping should be the longest handling time in your order.
Oh well. I'll have to think about it (we are a top seller and I finally wanted to have something from it, but the 1 day handling might be tough then)
Thank for the replies