11-19-2023 07:57 PM
11-19-2023 07:59 PM
11-19-2023 07:59 PM
11-19-2023 08:03 PM
You’re charging $105. 18 for Ground advantage to ship it. What fee are you talking about the item hasn’t sold or are you using promoted listings pay per click?
11-20-2023 05:04 AM
You should double-check the dimensions which you entered on the listing form. Keep in mind that USPS has surcharges for packages with a length over 22 inches and for volume over 1 cubic foot (i.e., 1728 cubic inches). Here's the eBay shipping calculator, which should give the same results as the calculator in listings:
11-20-2023 05:16 AM
It seems like you marked your post as the "best answer". Why?
And you mention "On another listing". That has nothing to do with the listing you are asking about, so why mention it.?
Shipping cost is based on several factors, size of package, weight of package, distance being traveled, class of shipping used. And, as mentioned, there are surcharges for extra length.
11-20-2023 06:28 AM
I suppose you corrected(?) it, because now I see $79.59 s&h to Middle Tennessee.
11-24-2023 10:03 AM
Thanks for the reply .
The ad was for a barbeque set....the tength is 17 in.,....... so, less than 22" per Usps specs.
Cu in ...17 x 3 x 8 cu in. 408 cu in.
The shipping charge was for $48.00. That is high. I have seen items even bigger, with less
than a $48.00 charge. Also, coast to coast distances too and not that high a charge.
The only thing Is maybe the shippng and label charge were linked together
I hope this is a clearer explanation than before.
No wonder I received no response.
The weight is only 5 lbs., 5 oz.
plus package weights....
11-24-2023 10:13 AM
One more thing.?
I don't see a $10.00 shipping charge..Just the $48.00 charge on the BBQ set.
I did not fill in the shipping charge on the listing form, so it is possible that could be the reason for
the high fee.
The only other thing is that maybe my ad ( per my error) indicated a more
expensive shipping charge.
Thamks for your help.
11-24-2023 10:17 AM
Was the other listing for a different item? Do not expect any different listings to have shipping costs related to each other unless they are identical in every way.
11-25-2023 01:58 PM - edited 11-25-2023 02:01 PM
This is for the cuisinart set? Click on sell similar for that listing and double check the weight and measurements that you had written on that listing. The charges are way off so there must be a typo in the listing. I'm guessing that you have the weight as 50 lbs instead of 5.
You don't have to relist it, you can just back out of it once you check that information.
11-26-2023 10:47 AM - last edited on 11-26-2023 12:51 PM by kh-ornesh
Thank you so much on the note...Solved..will try again.
Could you please email me on another problem
about an listing which was blocked....
11-26-2023 11:02 AM - edited 11-26-2023 11:02 AM
If email is ok to do.
It's really not. You can send a PM using the envelope at the upper right, but that may go unanswered, too.
Would you like to address your other issue here?
11-26-2023 01:18 PM
It would be better to post about your other problem here so that more people can help.
If you are really uncomfortable about posting it here, you can send me a private message by clicking on my
name and then clicking on send message. (on the right side near the top)