01-03-2019 10:20 AM
Hi all,
ive been eBaying for a number of years and for the first time I’ve noticed that I have no GSP tracking number for an item I sold. I know it definitely got to GSP (UK) as Royal Mail tracking confirms. I sent others on the same time and have GSP tracking info on those, but just not this one.
Can anyone advise how I can get in contact with GSP to find out what’s going on? It’s really frustrating as this is one where the buyer literally hounded me with messages on Christmas Day no less, when the item sold asking if I sent it yet! Then 2 days after after answering multiple times that the post office is closed on Christmas & Boxing day, he wants the tracking number!
I know it takes a few days for GSP to update but this is ridiculous, and for all the buyers that I’ve had over the last couple of weeks, of course it would be this one!
any help would be greatly appreciated!
01-03-2019 10:26 AM
I would sit down and enjoy a cool beverage.
01-04-2019 09:19 AM
When did it arrive at the gsp center? Tuesday was a holiday and it isn't that unusal for a package to take a few days to be processed at the gsp center. I'm not sure how to contact PB in the UK or if contacting would do any good at this point.