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INR Case opened had to refund Buyer received item 5 days after refund

I had a buyer open an INR case and I had to refund by April 22 even though I upload response for USPS item was delivered 5 days later. I am now out my money and the item. 


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INR Case opened had to refund Buyer received item 5 days after refund

Contact the buyer and ask i they'll repay.

If they will, you two can work out the repay options.

Have a great day.
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INR Case opened had to refund Buyer received item 5 days after refund

That's the way it works, if luck is on your side you have a buyer who will be willing to repay if asked. 

Message 3 of 5
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INR Case opened had to refund Buyer received item 5 days after refund

had same thing happen..guy is ignoring me..ebay gave me 3 days to resolve the not received item..refunded guy..the post office investigated that item was delivered on the 2oth of April..I just found out Monday the about a dishonest buyer..he was also very nasty and tried leaving after the least ebay stopped he has his money and my items...**bleep** what??

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INR Case opened had to refund Buyer received item 5 days after refund

the jerk owes me 85 plus shipping that I refunded..he finally gets back to me and says..what do I owe you 40 bucks...I sent him the amount he owes....crickets still..


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