03-14-2019 08:06 PM
I just sold two items. I did not turn off combine shipping.
The fact is that the items are too big to combine the shipping. the box would be too big.
I WANT to send them separately to the winner. Otherwise the box is just too big.
Can't figure out how to do that.
Thank you.
03-14-2019 08:17 PM
Send them separately.
03-14-2019 08:20 PM
Easy - print two packing lists (if you use them), mark on each one the item you are shipping in that package. Buy two labels, one for each package.
If the total price is more than the buyer paid, you will have to absorb the extra price yourself.
03-14-2019 10:08 PM
I would signup for an account with pirateship(.com). You pay lower Commercial Plus rates regardless of your eBay account status. They also offer USPS cubic pricing for boxes .5 cubic feet or less. No monthly fees. Don't need a eBay account, but you can import your eBay orders. A tracking number will be automatically sent to your buyers once added your eBay account under "Settings: Integrations".
03-14-2019 11:45 PM
Did the buyer ask/expect you to ship them together? Just curious, since you did not say. When I am planning to bid on multiple items from the same buyer, I always ask beforehand, just so I know where I stand on overall cost. However, there are some items that realistically cannot be expected to ship together.
On the rare occasion when I've had this happen (as a Seller) I've explained the situation to the buyer, and they are usually understanding, as long as you are not adding to the shipping cost (after the fact).
03-15-2019 10:13 AM
Print out one label with the weight of the first item. Then you just go back and print another label with the second items weights. Message the buyer to expect 2 packages.
03-15-2019 10:20 AM
You can buy two labels during the Shipping Process?
I didn't know that. Thanks
03-15-2019 10:23 AM
03-15-2019 10:25 AM