12-29-2018 03:17 PM
I have two unpaid items from the same overseas customer, who wants to pay for both in one transaction.
I have been trying to follow the instructions of using the Seller Hub page, checking the little box in front of both, clicking "print labels" in the drop down box, then with a check/dot in the box on the following page to print labels, and then the effort comes to a grinding hault with a "This action unavailable" error.
I then attempted to follow the same actions with only one of the items clicked, and it refuses to go to the pag stating "This item is not paid for, please wait until the customer pays for the item before printing the shipping label".
I suspect that the website will not follow through to the shipping label page that allows me to combine the two orders into one, because both are unpaid.
So, how do I combine two unpaid items into one transaction?
12-29-2018 03:28 PM
Of course you shouldn't print a label for an unpaid item. That would not combine them for the purpose of the buyer paying, anyway.
Go to your Sold section in My eBay, click on the Send Invoice option for one of the items. The next screen will give you the option to add the other item to the invoice, then you can also adjust the shipping cost.
That might not work if you're in the Global Shipping Program, I'm not even sure it's possible that you can combine GSP purchases. Maybe somebody who ships internationally will be able to help with that. You might not be able to accommodate the buyer's request to combine them.
12-29-2018 03:59 PM
Your instructions are working for me.
My fault for doing an internet search and following the outdated step-by-step instructions in the Ebay seller education section:
It says the combine function is on the print-label page. I seem to remember doing it that way before. So they changed it, and left the old instructions up.
12-29-2018 04:37 PM
That page is about how to combine shipping for items that have been already paid for separately, so they ship under one label and are all assigned to the same tracking number. That's not quite clear until pretty far down the page when it says, "You may consider offering any savings realized on combining two or more orders into one shipment back to the buyer as a partial refund." In that thread, the comment above yours is also from a seller who was trying to combine an invoice, not a shipment.
02-08-2019 08:28 PM
this link goes right back to teh same page with the wrong instructions for this year and teh link to THIS page that i am typing on right now_________________! lol. so not helpful.
it;s bullshoot we cant just click two or more things bought be the same person and combine, pissin me off.
02-08-2019 09:08 PM
@shipshapedeals wrote:this link goes right back to teh same page with the wrong instructions for this year and teh link to THIS page that i am typing on right now_________________! lol. so not helpful.
it;s bullshoot we cant just click two or more things bought be the same person and combine, pissin me off.
And the instructions are here in post #2 of this thread.
04-12-2019 03:30 PM
04-12-2019 03:47 PM
Found A Solution
I've attached a file that shows how to combine orders to one sender after they have already paid. I had one buyer that bought three items with me (seller) paying shipping. Just stumbled across how to do it. Under "MyEbay", "Shipping Labels" click on the area I highlighted in the image below. This will allow you to check mark the shipments going to one seller. Hope this helps.
04-14-2019 09:48 AM
05-28-2019 05:05 AM
Non of the above suggestions in the thread are of any use. I have two items that a buyer purchased(not yet paid) and wants to combine the shipping chatges. There is no way I am able to do so with any of the aformentioned suggestions, absolutely diabolical!