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Have not been able to print shipping labels for weeks

Is anyone else having this problem? Or know of a work around? Today I was trying to purchase shipping for 3 orders with bulk shipping. Filled out all my info and got to the end. Selected REVIEW PURCHASE and got an error screen. OK, so I go back to start over and two of the three orders show SHIPPED but if I try and reprint the label all I get is a spinning circle page. I have tried sending the reprint link to my phone - and get the same spinning circle. I have tried using Safari (my default) as well as FireFox and Chrome. I have updated my Adobe just last week in an effort to fix this madness but that clearly wasn’t the answer either since here I am still not able to print. 

Any ideas, please?


I’ve updated my Adobe

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Re: Have not been able to print shipping labels for weeks

I find Firefox the most reliable for ebay shipping.

Clear you browser cache.

Make sure the browser is set to open PDF files with Adobe.

Try to reprint you labels from here:


If still problem come back with OS and printer you are using and any additional details.


When you get stuck like this you can print labels from PayPal, or a great standby is a free Pirate Ship account.

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