01-19-2022 07:09 AM
Hi all,
I recently sold an item through the global shipping program. It arrived at Canadian customs 7 days ago and my buyer is getting increasingly nervous (so am I). Is there anything I can tell him or actions I can take? 7 days seems like an unusual delay... perhaps due to Covid-related staffing problems?
Greg L.
01-19-2022 10:09 AM
About all you can do is be patient. I ship a lot of items to Canada. They haven't let me down yet.
01-19-2022 01:59 PM
It's just as likely that the item is moving but that tracking isn't updating. That seems to happen fairly often with Canada gsp shipments.
01-19-2022 03:12 PM
That happened to me and it was delivered to me 9 days later, it was a large item. A GSP norm days.