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FedEx Is Getting Like the Post Office Thank GAWD We Have Security Cameras

I was expecting a pkg yesterday and FedEx changed the date until today - okay.  So I had some errands to run and I left here a little before 12.  Left note on the door for the driver to leave the pkg in the front hall.  Checked the status when I arrived home, it said 'Delivered, Left on Front Porch.'  I did not see anything on the porch, nor the front hall.  Called FedEx and now the investigation will start (insert rolling of the eyes here).  


I had the same happen back in June when I ordered a tablet for my father - PO said delivered 'Left at Front Desk,' only there is no front desk.  I was going to order a new set of bowls for my cats, but now, no.  My security shows no, no FedEx truck, no delivery person walking up the steps, at the time of the alleged delivery (as with the tablet).  I am so fed up right about now.  Lucky for me I was outside yesterday when UPS delivered the new stroller for my cat or that would have been marked 'Delivered' too.  I am not a happy camper right about now 😠  Not even sure if PP would refund since it says 'Delivered,' however, the camera can prove otherwise.

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FedEx Is Getting Like the Post Office Thank GAWD We Have Security Cameras

I  don't understand... your security system didn't show any FedEx truck or delivery person, yet you still have a note saying it was delivered???  WHO left that note and how?


Message 2 of 14
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FedEx Is Getting Like the Post Office Thank GAWD We Have Security Cameras

@photonphil I think OP is saying they checked the status either via desk top or phone about delivery...but all and all..I think the "cats" are taking the stuff so they more!

Message 3 of 14
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FedEx Is Getting Like the Post Office Thank GAWD We Have Security Cameras

I checked when I got home on my desktop

Message 4 of 14
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FedEx Is Getting Like the Post Office Thank GAWD We Have Security Cameras

I wish they were 'cause at least I could find it 😀

Message 5 of 14
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FedEx Is Getting Like the Post Office Thank GAWD We Have Security Cameras

FedEx is probably doing a much better job than USPS as far as timely deliveries especially is you are getting stuff express. However the dropping off at the door and lack of secure receptacles for this service is troubling to say the least. 

Message 6 of 14
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FedEx Is Getting Like the Post Office Thank GAWD We Have Security Cameras

If anyone left a note, it wasn't Fedex LOL, they surely don't leave delivery notes.

The OP meant, he tracked the package.

Message 7 of 14
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FedEx Is Getting Like the Post Office Thank GAWD We Have Security Cameras

Will be interesting to see where this was delivered.

Please come back and tell us users.

Message 8 of 14
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FedEx Is Getting Like the Post Office Thank GAWD We Have Security Cameras

Well, I hope FedEx can find it. If it shows 'Delivered', the seller is off the hook... eBay can't police porch cameras.

Message 9 of 14
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FedEx Is Getting Like the Post Office Thank GAWD We Have Security Cameras

I found it next door - I had a feeling it was misdelivered because the same happened last year when my son ordered a walker for my father - something told me to go and look and low and behold, there was the box!  My neighbor is really nice, not at the other owner's they would have kept it.  I will just curtail my online shopping for a bit.  

Message 10 of 14
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FedEx Is Getting Like the Post Office Thank GAWD We Have Security Cameras

When that happens to me, 99% of the time they delivered it to another resident on the block.


"UPS delivered the new stroller for my cat" 


I have to ask because I've seriously never heard of a stroller for cats before ...


Are you talking about one of those sets of wheels that you fasten to the animal 'cause they're missing 2 legs? Or are you talking about something kinda like a baby stroller for cats 'cause you take them out for walks or to the store?

Message 11 of 14
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FedEx Is Getting Like the Post Office Thank GAWD We Have Security Cameras

No, it is a stroller for my Baby Girl - that mean Heffa scratched it up, and if need be that I have to take her out it would not be so messed up on one side.  I am known in the area as the crazy cat lady 😊

Message 12 of 14
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FedEx Is Getting Like the Post Office Thank GAWD We Have Security Cameras

Its good idea to use security camera feature. I'm using the latest models of CCTV security camera which installed by local services.

Message 13 of 14
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FedEx Is Getting Like the Post Office Thank GAWD We Have Security Cameras

Its good idea to use security camera feature. I'm using the latest models of CCTV security camera which installed by local services.

Message 14 of 14
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