02-06-2023 06:21 AM
This has happened with several of my recent trading card sales. I have the eBay standard envelope option for shipping. The cards are listed in the trading cards section, valued under $20, and meet the weight requirements, however when I try to purchase and print the label, I get the following message; "It was not possible to generate the label. Something is wrong. Please try again later."
I tried chatting with a rep who was unable to resolve this and said they put in a ticket to the support team that was never updated with me, even though I asked. Any insights the community may be able to provide?
02-12-2023 06:30 AM
I am having the same issue and no resolution in sight. I just posted this same issue last night with a screenshot of the error message. I've been on three chats about this and they have all told me it's a temporary error and it will be working in a couple hours. It hasn't worked since the morning of February 4th for me. I'm having to send low-price cards first class and losing money. I'm not sure what we can do next to get this resolved.
02-12-2023 06:49 AM
Same on the first class shipping for me. This error is literally taking $3 per transaction out of my pocket just to send the card First class instead of the standard envelope service. Reimbursement would be nice.
02-12-2023 07:08 AM
@matdo-94 wrote:I am having the same issue and no resolution in sight. I just posted this same issue last night with a screenshot of the error message. I've been on three chats about this and they have all told me it's a temporary error and it will be working in a couple hours. It hasn't worked since the morning of February 4th for me. I'm having to send low-price cards first class and losing money. I'm not sure what we can do next to get this resolved.
As I noted in the other post, where you helpfully provided an image of the error screen, you have entered dimensions that exceed the allowed size for eBay's "Standard" envelope, so it might help if you adjust those.
02-12-2023 08:06 AM
The other day I was having the same error for ESE when trying to purchase on the desktop site. But I was able to purchase the label on the app no problem. Are you able to try the app and see if that works? Or maybe another web browser?
09-26-2023 07:38 PM
I'm still having issues with this months later. I might try purchasing the labels on the app instead of desktop. Am I still able to print the labels on my desktop, or do I need a wireless printer?
09-28-2023 08:15 AM
Hi everyone,
Due to the age of this thread, it has been closed to further replies. Please feel free to start a new thread if you wish to continue to discuss this topic.
Thank you for understanding.