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Drop shipping company and ebays veiw. By passing listings to ship to forien location.

Had an Item go off with a user registered in a country I do not ship to:

Check the location it was to be shipped to when payment was recived: a different country that I do not ship to:

Item payed and now is the DE designation:


I sent an email to user to ask if they are reshipping from this address: They are smart enough NOT to admit this.


EBay's ruling lately: on Drop shippers is if you can prove it was reshipped it is still good for ebays buyers guarantee, no mater where it ends up>


First question :

How did they by pass my exclusions list??

Speculation they have on file a US address: though it was not at the time a address used the: German on was used when they bid.


Second question: since eBay makes us sellers responsible with out proof : for the drop shipper (making this a sale a high risk due to others handling and from the fraud complaints across the Internets: valid for cancellation due to all the multiple locations already stated??


In other words:

Since multiple locations have been shown (user in one, ship to prior to payment a different one: and then the after payed a US totally different then the other two ( with scam and fraud complaints logged all over the internet);. 

It is a MAJOR conflict of policy and high risk to the sale.


This should start this topic going again:

Oh and total of the sale with tax: $503.00


The user (purchaser), avoiding stating it is a drop shipping company shows a savvy user on their end of this mess.

They are not new to this situation.





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Drop shipping company and ebays veiw. By passing listings to ship to forien location.

The buyer's registration country doesn't matter. The address that is shipped to is in the United States, so it would be a domestic sale for you.  You can't cancel using a buyer address problem as that would be a LIE.


You should have NEVER contacted the buyer - now they are going to expect problems, and they could make problems for YOU if they want to get nasty.


If the buyer has an issue, you are only responsible for return shipping from the US address. Unless policy has changed, this has always been the case with Ebay. That said, it has NEVER been the case with Paypal or credit cards.


You are no more or less likely to be scammed from this buyer than you would be from one in the US. The only difference is the return shipping should a return be opened. That is something you need to think about before you list something, not after.


You have two choices: Ship the item, or cancel using the out of stock option and take the defect.

The easier you are to offend the easier you are to control.

We seem to be getting closer and closer to a situation where nobody is responsible for what they did but we are all responsible for what somebody else did. - Thomas Sowell
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