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Does anyone else hate the new label printing page?

I've been avoiding it like the plaque but today I discussed that the old "Go to classic label printing" link has been replaced with "Where is classic label printing?" and there is a survey on that page, so basically you have to use the new page now -- and it's God awful.


The old one was concise and one page. Why do I need to scroll?


It slows down the old process. You also have to enter dimensions for ANYTHING over 1 lbs when in reality, unless it is of a certain dimensions, it will not hike the shipping price more than the case amount based on weight.


To top it off, it double billed me for the same label. 


eBay, PLEASE stop "fixing" things NO ONE asked you to fix.

Message 1 of 70
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Does anyone else hate the new label printing page?



The old one worked 100% of the time.   


I print on 8.5"x11" Half sheets.   The sample label flips the label to the side as it should.  However, when I print the label it flips it back vertical leaving half the bar code off the page.   Now I have more steps and have to resize the margins every time using the PNG file. 


Tried for over an hour change every setting i could with the printer and with the different label options on ebay.   And once you click create label there is no preview or back button to change the layout.    Finally just settled on printing tiny labels.      


And one more thing.  DON'T try to print the label more than 5 times.  YOU ARE SOL AFTER THAT.    What is the point of not being able to print more than five labels.   






Message 16 of 70
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Does anyone else hate the new label printing page?

@banesvilleqtr23 wrote:

My classic label printing disappeared on 5/2/19, replaced by the "Where Is Classic Label Printing?" survey.  I guess my classic label page lasted longer than most. 


Like many others, I find the new label printing page horrible. Now, the "more settings" on my printer page is gone, meaning I can't reduce the size of my labels. There's a plus and minus button, but it just reverts back to standard size when I print. Same thing at PayPal. 


It seems I spend much of my time these days trying to circumvent eBay's "improvements" just so I can do business. 


My classic label printing disappeared on 5/3/19, replaced by the "Where Is Classic Label Printing?" survey. I enjoyed using the 'outdated' format (which worked perfectly fine) as long as I could too.  I have since submitted my ratings and opinions on the survey as often as I could.


In case the programmers/executives at eBay read this, here are my comments on the new shipping label page.  


The new format is harder to use, and takes more time.  The seller is REQUIRED to put in the box dimensions now, even if the seller is using standard USPS issued Priority boxes, and it doesn't increase the shipping cost.  This is not an improvement.


The new format adds an additional step to the actual printing process.  This is not an improvement.


The last shipping label form didn't offer me the option to use a USPS Priority Mail Regional Box B, even though I clicked on "compare all services". This is not an improvement.


My standard message to the buyer (which I always edited to reflect the actual shipping date, promptness of shipping compared to payment date, and estimated delivery time) was GONE, and I had to recreate this message (which I had used for years).  This is not an improvement.


I concur with many of the aforementioned unfavorable comments also.  Add me to the long list of unhappy sellers forced to use this new (unimproved) form!


Message 17 of 70
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Does anyone else hate the new label printing page?

Right on! "If it aint broke, don't fix it"! Terrible new format!!
Message 18 of 70
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Does anyone else hate the new label printing page?

I hate it, nothing but problems.  Wish they would leave what is working well alone.

Message 19 of 70
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Does anyone else hate the new label printing page?

I hate it, wish they would leave what is working alone

Message 20 of 70
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Does anyone else hate the new label printing page?

Honestly, I miss the old ebay. Simple and easy. I do not understand for the heaven on it that ebay has to keep on messing around with something that is simple and user friendly. All these new page update and format is so hard to navigate. Too MUCH work!
Message 21 of 70
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Does anyone else hate the new label printing page?

brian@ebay more feedback on the new label flow.

Member of the Grumpy Old Man crew
Message 22 of 70
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Does anyone else hate the new label printing page?

I have movies/films under correct category & eBay doesn't understand why I can not print media postage? New site says it is in WRONG category & will not allow me to print label...  hahahahahaha

Message 23 of 70
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Does anyone else hate the new label printing page?

Not applicable

@lovefindingtreasures2 wrote:
It's an abomination, no idea why they keep changes sellers pages to make them more complicated.


Why is eBay making all the new pages much more complicated and requiring additional steps to see the same information that was available with just a glance? The watch list, all of them now require sellers to do MORE work to get the same information.

Why were these pages changed? Who are they catering to with 'new' designed sellers pages? I know I am not the only one who doesn't get it.

I'd like a real reason, not the usual, "We are enhancing the eBay user's experience".

Thoughts all? I hate the new watch page, the sold page, the active page, and the shipping labels. I have no problem with changes, it isn't that. The new pages are wasting precious time for what I can is no particular reason.

Why did eBay make these pages more complicated? Thanks!

Hi @lovefindingtreasures2, you definitely have some fair questions though I do have to start by noting that often times these changes are truly made to enhance the member experience. For the label printing page specifically, we have streamlined the options available based on what has been identified as the most commonly used options, and formatted them in a way to align with the experience across our other tools. Is there room for improvement? Certainly! You can share your feedback directly from the label printing page using the link at the bottom of the page so we can work on providing the best tools possible to our sellers. 


Change is a constant and there are times that our planned intentions do not align with the resulting experience - we do our best to research, test, and develop the right tools for our sellers and when we miss the mark, we value the input our Community can provide.


I would love to hear exactly what features you and anyone else in this thread feel are missing, or how you would change the layout. If you would be willing to share a concise list of requests, I will be happy to pass the feedback from this discussion on to the appropriate team for their review as we continue to work on this tool.

Message 24 of 70
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Does anyone else hate the new label printing page?

I use classic too. The updates are no good and too clunky. Too hard to ship multiple items. Not good.

Message 25 of 70
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Does anyone else hate the new label printing page?

@Anonymous wrote:
I would love to hear exactly what features you and anyone else in this thread feel are missing, or how you would change the layout. If you would be willing to share a concise list of requests, I will be happy to pass the feedback from this discussion on to the appropriate team for their review as we continue to work on this tool.

Well, for starters, there's this list that I posted a few days back:


In addition, as of this morning, the packing slip generated off of this form has now lost all its pricing information:


We would be grateful if you could escalate these problems, especially the new packing slip omissions. Thanks!

Message 26 of 70
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Does anyone else hate the new label printing page?

Yes! Classic is gone and it's a lot more work and not worth it!  Terrible, ebay please go back to classic label!

Message 27 of 70
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Does anyone else hate the new label printing page?

For me, it is (the new label page)  just more complicated & not intuitive, The "classic" was just that, Classic & much more functional / easy / quick / less scrolling & Less clicking--- and yes I still get the "classic" when I do international labels, but this just serves to remind me what I miss about "Classic" ! -  good things like DROP DOWN BOX for item weight , the check box to indicate if you would like the shipping cost printed on the label SHOULD BE NEXT to the "purchase label" button like it used to be -  and other details -  Also the new shipping page is too large requiring scrolling to see all the details... and why do we have to download every label?


I have responded many times to the "what do you think of this page" link.. it can only be done once a day...


2 weeks ago, for a short while "Classic" started working again for just a few labels, I was like "Ahh, this is nice" 🙂 , then it reverted to the new page again..;(


~ ~  you asked "how you would change the layout?"   my answer is, Just Change it back to how it used to be when it was "Classic"


                   Thank you for listening 🙂

MaD Mercantile
Message 28 of 70
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Does anyone else hate the new label printing page?

Thank you Trinton. The new selling pages (Active for example), now require additional actions to see the same information that was in a neat column and could be read at a glance. All I see is changes in colors, size and design, I see no added features to this page that helps the seller. Only additional steps.

I go to the old overview page to do what now takes additional clicks of my mouse to get to the same information.

What was 'added' to the new 'active listings' page that made it better for the seller? Not an enhanced looking page, sellers do not need good looking we need functional. More work for the same information is a step backwards, not forwards.

How does this new active page (using it as an example), improve the SELLERS experience, whatever that worn out expression has come to mean. It's not helping my eyes, it's loud and glaring. It's not helping my hands, I have to click more times to get the information. It is not helping my stress level working in your new 'pages', as I have yet to find how these changes have made my life as a seller BETTER.

What are the changes on the active page that improved it? Thanks.
Message 29 of 70
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Does anyone else hate the new label printing page?

About as useless as the little stars, stickers, and titles we were assigned a year ago. Pathetic.
Message 30 of 70
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