03-22-2019 12:49 AM
I've been avoiding it like the plaque but today I discussed that the old "Go to classic label printing" link has been replaced with "Where is classic label printing?" and there is a survey on that page, so basically you have to use the new page now -- and it's God awful.
The old one was concise and one page. Why do I need to scroll?
It slows down the old process. You also have to enter dimensions for ANYTHING over 1 lbs when in reality, unless it is of a certain dimensions, it will not hike the shipping price more than the case amount based on weight.
To top it off, it double billed me for the same label.
eBay, PLEASE stop "fixing" things NO ONE asked you to fix.
03-22-2019 09:40 AM
I agree, the new label flow is terrible! - I was clicking back to the "Classic" version regularly, and today... that is gone - So now we have to 1) download the label, 2) Scroll all over this unnecessarily huge shipping label page, 3) there is no more drop down box for weight
I have sent two messages to ebay & called to complain..
Please go back to the Classic ! it was SO much simpler & faster !
03-22-2019 09:56 AM
03-22-2019 09:57 AM
03-22-2019 10:16 AM
@lovefindingtreasures2 wrote:
Why were these pages changed? Who are they catering to with 'new' designed sellers pages? I know I am not the only one who doesn't get it.
Some months back, I think during one of the Weekly Chats, an eBay official grudgingly conceded that the real reason for the new Shipping form (such as it is, so far), was that they were finding it too difficult to maintain or upgrade the old one.
Reading between the lines, I got the clear impression that the programmers who wrote the code for the "classic" form were no longer available, and whoever they had retained now did not understand it; hence the clean-sheet approach with a new Shipping form. That first effort was so cluelessly inept that it appeared that the current programmers did not understand shipping either, at least not for U.S. carriers.
They are slowly learning more about U.S.-based shipping, though sellers are the ones doing the actual testing, which can only occur if the "classic" form is made progressively harder to find.
03-22-2019 02:56 PM
As before it's get used to it or hit the road. How do I get used to something that doesn't work for me? I'm very unhappy. Andrew
03-22-2019 03:02 PM
You also have to enter dimensions for ANYTHING over 1 lbs
They may have to print this on my tombstone as to what finally kills me.
03-22-2019 04:12 PM
It's painfully obvious that nobody in the IT department is a seller. If they were they would see how pointless and annoying their new "setup" is. Why do we have to scroll? Why do we need fancy "fun" fonts and huge bulky workspaces? Why do I have to click on several windows? Why is there NO PRINT BUTTON on the page after I buy the label?? Where is the "Return to my ebay" link?? Now I have to click 5 times just to print a label that used to only need 2 clicks! Now I have to go back to my homepage manually just to get back to my need to ship area. I can't just click "ship next package" or whatever it says because not all buyers use the shopping cart and I can't combine their purchases to save on shipping if I can't see they ordered multiple items!!! And what's with trying to force me to pay for priority mail under the guise of "buyer selected" when it's FREE SHIPPING!!! I chose the method of shipping!! Not the buyer!! So now I have to go use Stamps.com to pay for first class shipping to circumvent using ebays forced priority mail scheme!!
Ebay needs to take a step back and let sellers run their own stores. Get out of my store!! Stop trying to micro manage my business!! Stop decorating my workspace!! Making a fancy new shipping page is like putting wall paper and oriental rugs in a warehouse. CUSTOMERS DON'T SEE MY SHIPPING PAGE!!! NO NEED FOR FRILLS AND FANCY TEXT THERE!!! UTILITARIAN WAS PERFECTLY FINE!!!
03-22-2019 04:45 PM - edited 03-22-2019 04:48 PM
Another flaw is that the new program does not have a warning when you are printing a label for an item that has not been paid for yet. The old program had a yellow warning message. There were a few new sellers that had problems and posted here. Their problem may have been avoided if this warning was still in place. Maybe they can add a red warning message on the new program.
03-22-2019 06:20 PM
@wpt05 wrote:
Another flaw is that the new program does not have a warning when you are printing a label for an item that has not been paid for yet. The old program had a yellow warning message.
...and that was just for an unpaid domestic shipment. For an unpaid international shipment, it won't let you print the label at all.
03-22-2019 07:35 PM
03-22-2019 08:29 PM
03-23-2019 12:02 AM
03-23-2019 09:01 AM
Another idiotic, unnecessary change that no one asked for. But I'm sure some Steve Jobs wannabe eBay exec will be spouting off about the wonderful new page with super cool marketing buzzwords like seamless integration, customer centric synergy, mobile optimization, etc. Meanwhile they'll never get stuck having to use this page. They are getting closer & closer to making sure the traffic on this site is equivalent to your local mall these days. And once there is nothing left but tumbleweeds blowing through here, they'll move on & crater another company while collecting a huge paycheck.
05-03-2019 10:48 AM - edited 05-03-2019 10:49 AM
My classic label printing disappeared on 5/2/19, replaced by the "Where Is Classic Label Printing?" survey. I guess my classic label page lasted longer than most.
Like many others, I find the new label printing page horrible. Now, the "more settings" on my printer page is gone, meaning I can't reduce the size of my labels. There's a plus and minus button, but it just reverts back to standard size when I print. Same thing at PayPal.
It seems I spend much of my time these days trying to circumvent eBay's "improvements" just so I can do business.