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Conflicting info on shipping refund

A buyer in th UK opened a "buyer changed mind" return request. I do accept returns but I am wondering about the refund of the original shipping cost.


I have searched the help pages and I am coming up with conflicting information. Any help would be appreciated.


If you return an item for any other reason, including changing your mind about a purchase, the seller can keep any restocking fee specified in the listingReturn policy.

In these situations, your original shipping charge usually isn't refunded. Check the listing Return policy for specifics on shipping charges. You may also have to pay the return shipping charges.

For this type of return, your refund is usually the total purchase price, including item cost, sales tax, and other charges, less:

  • Original shipping (unless specified otherwise in the listing Return policy)
  • Restocking fee (if specified in the listing Return policy)
  • Return shipping (if specified in the listing Return policy)




You accept returns in your policy and the buyer changed their mind about a purchase

If you stated in your listing's return policy that you accept returns, your buyer can return the item to you, even if they've changed their mind.

Here are your response options:

Accept the return – The buyer will send the item back to you for a full refund, including original shipping costs. If you stated in the listing that you'll cover return shipping charges, choose how you'll arrange for the item to be returned.



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Conflicting info on shipping refund

Hi everyone,

Due to the length of time that has passed since this thread began, we have locked it from future replies. If this is still an issue that warrants discussion, don't hesitate to begin a new thread here:


Message 16 of 16
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