06-19-2022 01:06 PM
I used to have free shipping, but because USPS keeps changing their policies, shipping methods & costs, I've had to stop it. Now I have a new issue and would like some guidance.
I've had several customers lately who buy at different times and buy each item individually. Because of this, they get charged for shipping on each item and ask for me to combine it. This isn't really the issue, but the issue is; after the items are combined and the stamp is made, there's left over funds from the shipping charged when they were each. We've been refunding the customer manually, but this takes a ton of time to do. Am I missing something? Does eBay automatically refund the buyer the difference after the stamp is made? Is there a button I need to select?
How is everyone else handling this? Please advise.
06-19-2022 01:16 PM
You would need to continue to manually refund your buyers as eBay has no clue if the charge was more than needed.
Would be in your best interest to fix your shipping to create a flat rate shipping rule.
to do this click orders..on left side of screen (assuming your on a desk top or laptop) look for Automate Feedback Click that ... It will take you to Selling Preferrences ...look for shipping preferences ...next Flat rate shipping rule ..then put in your shipping cost that you want the buyer to pay.
Below is an example
06-19-2022 01:31 PM
You will still have to manually refund any overages you choose to give back. There is no way on eBay to combine separate items as each item has a different weight and no one but you will know the final charges. The good news is each of your customers you do this for will be very appreciative and may return for another purchase. Best of luck to you....
06-19-2022 01:39 PM - edited 06-19-2022 01:40 PM
Um......plz re-read......I had Free Shipping before....which is basically the same as flat rate......USPS keeps changing the rules for 1st Class shipping....meaning: they now have Zones across the US and price is based on the zone I ship to from my address, so your answer is not what I'm asking. With the flat rate rule, actual shipping will be less for my local AZ customers, and more for someone in Maine. For example a customer here in AZ pays 3.50 on a 3oz package, and Maine would be (guessing here) 5.35 or so. I figured eBay would have created an algorithm that would show the balance left over from combining shipping of what the buyer paid and the actual cost of the stamp and give the seller an option to refund.
06-19-2022 02:00 PM - edited 06-19-2022 02:02 PM
"There is no way on eBay to combine separate items as each item has a different weight and no one but you will know the final charges."
In actuality, they do have all of the information to do this. Taking all of the items from each order and combining the weight would allow the USPS API to recalculate shipping based on weight and/or dimension and create a cost for the stamp (this is how it's done when a buyer checks out correctly by adding all of the items to his/her cart first). Obviously the seller would select which method to ship the items, especially if the combined weight pushes it into Priority Shipping, but still, the remaining balance should be able to be calculated and shown once the stamp is printed. It's quite easy if the weights are loaded and correct.
06-20-2022 01:58 PM
The problem is you're suggesting they change the system for everyone, but not everything is cookie cutter suitable. I sell mainly dolls and doll clothing. One doll outfit will weigh 5 oz, with tissue paper, padding inside and an envelope. When a buyer purchases two outfits, the system auto changes this to 10 oz, but it's not correct. The weight only increases barely to 6 oz because it is the same tissue paper, same amount of padding and just one envelope. The weight from a second outfit doesn't double the entire package weight.
My buyers tend to purchase my outfits in threes. The system then "thinks" the weight is now 15 oz, which moves it into priority shipping but in reality, the weight has perhaps increased to only 7-8 oz. The system will recalculate based on the info it has, which is one outfit weights 5 oz, but the reality of combining 2-3 outfits into one envelope simply doesn't increase the weight significantly enough.
It's the same for my dolls. One doll will weigh 6 oz but two dolls in same package DO NOT weight 12 oz.
I also sell many fridge magnets and same rules apply. One magnet, wrapped in bubble wrap and newspaper plus envelope will weigh 5 oz and sold with that weight. Two magnets in same envelope will only increase weight to 6 oz, not 10 oz. I need to list them separately because the magnets are all distinctly different and sell better when listed separately. However sometimes a buyer will want to purchase multiple magnets. Those buyers are not being charged shipping correctly because the system is simply adding the weights together and not taking into account two similar items in one envelope.