08-17-2020 12:25 PM
I had a buyer open a return request for "Changed mind/doesn't fit" (not a SNAD). My listings are set at No Returns. There was some decoration on the back of the garment that they hadn't noticed in the listing (it was described), which they didn't quite like.
Since they had purchased a few items from me before and left positive feedback, I figured I would offer them a courtesy partial refund to cover some cost of alterations to remove the part they didn't like. But I never heard back from them since then so the case is still open and I keep getting reminders from eBay. It's been 3.5 weeks since they opened the case (18 business days). I already selected the "send partial refund" button, so I don't think I'm able to switch it to "decline", and I didn't want to decline out of the blue in case they come back later and leave me a negative.
What happens now? Is the case just open forever, or will it close by itself at some point (it won't issue an automatic full refund if it's for "changed mind" or give me a defect will it?). Should I do anything or just keep waiting?
08-17-2020 12:30 PM
If they are a repeat buyer, I would have accepted the return.
Since you don't take returns, you should should be able to decline the return.
If you do nothing, not sure how long it stays open.
08-17-2020 01:30 PM
It will probably remain open for 30 days. If the buyer doesn't respond by then it should close. You can request a call back at the bottom of this page, but I think you just have to let the buyer's time to respond run out, whatever that time is. https://www.ebay.com/help/selling/managing-returns-refunds/handle-return-request-seller?id=4115&st=1...
08-17-2020 01:37 PM
You really shouldn't be listing items that you know are stained or needs a alteration to make it ok.
The buyer can always file a dispute on PayPal if they don't win on eBay.
08-17-2020 01:49 PM
What happens now? Is the case just open forever, or will it close by itself at some point (it won't issue an automatic full refund if it's for "changed mind" or give me a defect will it?). Should I do anything or just keep waiting?
Go to the resolution center and check the open cases. I don;t remember the correct wording but it should indicate whether an action is expected by you or the buyer. If by the buyer, you don't need to do anything, the case will expire if the don't respond. I don't know what is the expiration time frame. Obviously, if action is required by you, you need to respond. That's the official process.
Unofficially, if you feel a little bit guilty, you can send them a message with your offer of a partial refund and remind them to respond via Resolution center. They perhaps overlooked the message from ebay that they need to respond.
08-17-2020 08:50 PM
Just to clarify, if wasn't stained or "needed" alterations, it was accurately described. There was a bow in the back that was both shown clearly in the photos and described (with measurements) in the listing, but the buyer didn't pay attention and then later said she didn't realize there was a bow. So this is entirely buyer's remorse.
08-17-2020 08:56 PM
You really shouldn't make assumptions and give patronizing unhelpful advice on forums.
08-17-2020 11:09 PM
You didn't read the OP's description. The garment wasn't stained it had a decoration the buyer didn't like and didn't notice that was described in the listing. This is a remorse return.