05-12-2017 05:20 AM
I haven't had a sale(s) in weeks. In week! Used to be on the weekend I would ship out 3-4 orders, now it's nothing.
I'm wondering if all these changes EB is making to its site, incl. the terms of service & agreements, are impeding sales.
I don't get views (don't view me!), watches. Nothing.
I can imagine if it's happening to me it's happening to a bunch of sellers including the name brand sellers.
Incidentally, according to Marketplace pulse EB revenues were only 2% increase last year, which is nothing. So surely execs are looking at those figures and wondering what can they do to boost revenues.
EB used to be the place to go to buy, and now it seems to have fallen way behind the other two (I can't name them, I'll be banned if I do)
05-12-2017 05:28 AM
If in fact eBay executives even cared about the opinions of sellers, all they would have to do is read this forum.
As far as eBay corporate growth, without Donahoe's money grab on final value fees on shipping, eBay would have shown negative growth for the last 6 years since it was instituted.
05-12-2017 06:29 AM
@tonycea wrote:If in fact eBay executives even cared about the opinions of sellers, all they would have to do is read this forum.
As far as eBay corporate growth, without Donahoe's money grab on final value fees on shipping, eBay would have shown negative growth for the last 6 years since it was instituted.
eBay is spending money...they have the BIG BOY'S now to please...