02-11-2018 06:39 AM
I don't know if they are currently working on the search options but I've been having a difficult time researching recently ended item prices. For example:
I'm looking up Nike fuelband in completed auctions. I include used,completed auctions & u.s. only. (I know I could use sold only but not a big fan. If I use it,then want to see all completed it sends me back to ongoing listings then I have to click completed again.)
Anyway.... I'm still getting too many results so I add -SE to nike fuelband since mine is a first edition not second. That's better, down to 150.....but it won't load the results! I refreshed,shook my pc,cursed at it....I tried everything but it won't load results. I remove the (X used) from the options and it loads (now 382 items but at least it loaded). Now I add USED again and it loads back at 150 items.
I've noticed recently that they just keep adding more and more search options.... 4 day,3 day,2 day,1 day,accepts returns,free shipping,free returns,deals and saving (how do you get in that list and does anyone check that?),price,format.location,condition,category. Heck the nike fuelband even has size,brand and activity.
It's no wonder why things are sparking,arcing and starting to smoke,why it is that your sales are down, why no one can find your listings.
Do we really need to micro search in such fine detail??
Personally,I think they have too many employees trying to keep looking "busy". It's been about 8 years of constant changes and/or additions.
Half the time, even using the same search box it brings me out of "closed auctions" , out of "sold only" back to "active listings" like it's trying to send me in a direction that I'm able to make a purchase from like I must be lost......No,I'm trying to research prices! It use to be a breeze to do this. Now it takes me 3 times as long and it's twice as hard to get an average price. Is it just me? Am I not excepting enough cookies? Anyone else having issues with this???
02-11-2018 07:17 AM
No problems here. Typed Nike fuelband and went to US only. 211 ended and 160 sold. Put them in order by highest to lowest and it showed all ending prices. They average around $35
02-11-2018 07:32 AM
When researching, I rarely use options or filters.......I figure most buyers don't use them.......just my opinion. I will use completeds and solds, obviously.......... not much trouble finding info, tho sometimes I see better search terms to use and will change accordingly.
02-11-2018 07:58 AM
think they may have been working on search options when I was researching prices. I had several odd things happen. Seems ok now but it still wants to boot me out of closed auctions. Did it to me on my phone the other day when I was "shopping" for items to list and was looking up prices. I try not to use too many options looking stuff up but sometimes there are a million from china which is nearly useless in judging pricing and common items if mine is used,cutting out the new ones helps. I'm going to recheck my cookie setting and see if maybe I'm not keep some that I need to be.
02-11-2018 08:00 AM
wrote:No problems here. Typed Nike fuelband and went to US only. 211 ended and 160 sold. Put them in order by highest to lowest and it showed all ending prices. They average around $35
And for some reason all searches are not the same
Typed Nike fuelband & went to us only . 450 ended and 320 sold , then click all in the left column and sold is 411 , so we can't always say I see the same as you or OP
Click all left column sold is now 411
02-11-2018 08:02 AM
02-11-2018 08:08 AM
Did anyone try searching nike fuelband,closed auctions,used ,u.s. only....letting results load then add -se in the search box? I'm curious if it's a glitch. I'd probably have to clear my browser to run it again.
02-11-2018 08:40 AM
I searched nike fuelband, US only, completed listings, auction only and came up with 223 closed auctions, system automatically defaulted me to gps and running watches category when I searched all. ::sigh:: Changed that to search all and came up with 272.
I added se to the search term, clicked search and was taken to 80 completed auctions in all categories. (145 BIN, 213 all listings, naturally the math doesn't work, but what else can we expect?)
02-11-2018 12:48 PM