11-25-2018 05:36 AM
well afther 15 years selling time to walk away sales are down by 70 % FROM MY OTHER ONLINE STORES fee's are now out of control
shipping percentage fee's
seller return shipping cost (even if your not at fault ) you have to fight to try and save this fee if you spend a half hour on the phoe with ebay then you still may not save that cost
top priority listing fees (the new EBAY SCAM)
Then the normal selling fee's( which use to be so reasonable years ago )
Pay pal fees
I just want to say this 12 years ago EBAY was A GREAT PLACE to sell items and start a comnpany with it was like a family and i enjoyed have a site with them ( now it has turned in to a nighmare)
my rating is 99.9 % and the only way is to actually give things away due to the fact ebay will not stand up for it's sellers ebay ,, The next issue is EBAY states they have a very good tracking system to avoid seal bidding issues (they are full of **bleep** ) eBAY DOSE NOT CARE ABOUT SEAL BIDDERS DUE TO THE FACT IT DRIVES UP EBAY PROFITS ifind it strange to bid on a item then review all the other bidders that are very new with low to zero win bids on any items ,, and all are new accouts within amonth and then the bids on all the items from the same seller (are all from the new buyers ) that have less then 10 actual to there history they new bidders seem to never win the item they just seem to bid the item way up to
almost the normal selling price ,, I did a test on a seller and I up bid on 10 items past the fake seal bidder price,, right up to 15 dollars lower then normal buy it now price I waited to the last day the retreacted my bid as soon as i did (wow ) the seal bidder retarcted his bid also on all 10 items ( so that would of made him the winning bidder) next issue the seller then canceld the listing cuz the price dropped from from my high bid price 328.00 to 23.00 dollar which was the first bid the seal bibber posted on all ten items ( all 10 items ending up the same way !! contacted Ebay GAVE THEM ALL THE INFO AND GUESS what they seller is still doing it so gose to show EBAY DON'T GIVE A **bleep** ABOUT ANYTHING BUT PROFITS !!! EVEN IF THEY SAY THEY DOO
11-25-2018 06:52 AM
I walked away a year ago due to no sales and an increase in sales at another site. Good luck Bro.
11-25-2018 02:09 PM
Yep I've gone too. I've made more money selling my items at local auctions than ebay, and guess what, no shipping, no free returns, and the fees are lower. I'm moving on to greener pastures in a different field, got fed up with all the **bleep**. I hope you find your place to prosper,
11-25-2018 05:03 PM
The end of this month will probably be the end of my eBay store because of lack of sells. I have been having lots of sells in my other stores (not eBay), but I have not even had one sell here in days. People are telling me that they can't find any of my night lights listed on here. I refuse to pay for a store when I am not even being found. I have started moving my night lights over to my other stores (where people can easily find them and purchase them).
11-26-2018 01:38 AM
I have been to lets say a few auctions in my lifetime and I have never seen or heard of fees being lower than ebay and paypal fees combined . Now if you are talking about flea markets and such where a monthly table fee is involved then yes that could be lower. Or a vendor spot reserve that requires packing/unpacking and repacking your merchandise and moving from one area to the next then that is lower in price. But auctions usually carry anywhere from 20 plus % to 30% sellers fee. And in my area 30% is the norm. Unless you are selling box lot material that normally sells for a few dollars or more depending. I know that auction houses are far more expensive. They are just a faster way of moving merchandise. And faster means more expensive to sell. So unless you are in a area that never sees a auction and it's contents very often you are paying a higher fee. I have to ask . Are you on ebay to buy or just to come into this forum to visit ??? Unless I missed something this is a EBAY SELLING discussion board. ( Open to all ) !! But you said you moved on to greener pastures .
11-26-2018 01:51 AM
HI, your listing are so ( 1 ) dimensional that failure was inevitable. ( MY OPINION ) Selling the same merchandise and not offering anything but that ( 1 ) type of item I just can't see.( IF ) You are selling that ( 1 ) item on other sites than by all means you should move on. But it will eventually dry up in those areas as well . ( Try a little diversifying and you may do even better ) GL to YOU !!!
11-26-2018 11:54 AM - edited 11-26-2018 11:55 AM
11-26-2018 11:57 AM
It sounds like you are describing shill bidding.
I'm sorry to say this, but I believe that when you called Ebay, having retracted your bids, you reported yourself for illegal bid retraction and auction interference. You don't actually participate in an auction that you suspect shilling on, or you become part of the problem. You can simply call Ebay with evidence in an auction that this is occuring on. You don't bid to retract to prove a point. There are only three reasons to retract a bid, and each has a qualifying action attached to it, and your reason for retraction is not one of them.
If you have a question regarding how to handle anything, you can always check with this Board first.
11-26-2018 12:02 PM
What other sites can I sell on
11-26-2018 12:03 PM
If seals can create an account and are over 18, they should be allowed to bid. Penguin and polar bears too.
In all seriousness, the term is shill bidder, not seal bidder.
11-26-2018 12:06 PM
@greenfrogsolar1 wrote:
I waited to the last day the retreacted my bid as soon as i did (wow ) the seal bidder retarcted his bid also on all 10 items ( so that would of made him the winning bidder) next issue the seller then canceld the listing cuz the price dropped from from my high bid price 328.00 to 23.00 dollar which was the first bid the seal bibber posted on all ten items
Its not 'seal' bidding - its SHILL bidding. If you are bidding against one other guy and then you retract your bids at the end then the price will immediately fall to the starting price because there is no longer a second bidder for the first guy to bid against.
The seller probably cancelled the auction because of your retraction - not the other guys because you retracted first and maybe started a panic if there were more than one other bidder in the auction.
Your feedback as a buyer page is atrocious. It shows you have made 45 bid retractions in just this past year. Maybe Ebay is not for you.
11-26-2018 12:12 PM
@kknighto wrote:The end of this month will probably be the end of my eBay store because of lack of sells. I have been having lots of sells in my other stores (not eBay), but I have not even had one sell here in days. People are telling me that they can't find any of my night lights listed on here. I refuse to pay for a store when I am not even being found. I have started moving my night lights over to my other stores (where people can easily find them and purchase them).
Your work is amazing! Found you elsewhere and will be placing an order this evening!
11-26-2018 12:23 PM
I am feeling the same exact way. I work and work and work but everything goes to E-bay. When a profit is made you have to use the money to buy more items for your store. I understand the meaning of insanity now. Doing the same thing over and over again without a different result. 🙂 The staff is kind and has always worked well with me. The fee's and limits really inhibit ones growth potential. When you first begin selling the excitement is unreal. You want to grow a business and at first it seems that you can and you will. There is a point though where you cannot grow anymore unless you have a large sum of money to invest. At this point you feel totally beaten and then you feel like your are working for nothing. I am at the point of working for nothing. I am a top rated seller and have worked so hard to create a great store but I am not at the point where I think I am just going to sell everything I have and reap the losses. No more false dreams and hopes here. Life is to short for this. I have spoken to other people who sell online and they once began with E-bay then switched to other platforms. The main reason was lack of growth potential. People want to feel as if they are succeeding but for some apparent reason E-bay's system almost seems like a punishment. I have a college degree and have been a Director of large healthcare departments. I see issues from a outside seller perspective regarding E-bays strategies in keeping and maintaining their sellers. This is sad because E-bay has the potential to help so many people along with make their own money. I felt like E-bay was a company for the people and not just for themselves like our main competitions owner is. At this time I honestly feel as if the entire system with companies, taxes and our government has been used and abused by so much greed that this entire system is at a breaking point. Best wishes with your new endeavor.
11-26-2018 12:41 PM
@greenfrogsolar1 wrote:
I did a test on a seller and I up bid on 10 items past the fake seal bidder price,, right up to 15 dollars lower then normal buy it now price I waited to the last day then retreacted my bid.
Not good, you bid illegally and obviously think it is OK. Good luck on your next venture wherever it may be. It's always greener on the other side they say.
11-26-2018 12:51 PM
@fuzzyfelts77 wrote:What other sites can I sell on
It's against the Board Rules of Engagement to answer that question, but you can do a google search if you need that information.