07-19-2022 07:10 AM
I have an item that may be worth much more than originally thought. Supposedly this item has been on ebay and sold at some distant date. How can I change my search preferences in sold so it goes back....way, way back??? I did click on advanced but didn't see anything that would change the date. As it is, doesn't it only pull up solds from the last 60 days? Thank you all.
07-19-2022 07:13 AM
Sold items are toast after 90 days.
07-19-2022 07:13 AM
There's a way to get your 'own' sales further back (don't know what it is) but there is no way to just seek info on an item 'way back when'. Try google; but know this
Disney VHS have listings for $20,000. They show solds for $20000. There are also the EXACT SAME TITLE for sale, right here, for $20. The $20,000 has become an old wives tale. This happens to many things.
So again- check google and do more research that just 'sold' on this platform.
07-19-2022 07:22 AM
As noted in the other post, you can see Sold listings for only 90 days through eBay. There are off-eBay sites such as Worthpoint which keep track of eBay transactions over time.
The long-ago value might not be today's value for your item. It might not even have been the actual value at the time of the transaction; there's no way to know whether the item was paid-for at the selling price.