01-19-2022 10:40 AM
how come when i try to send offers to people watching a item in my store it says i cant send offers on this item and to try another item?
01-19-2022 10:44 AM
i have the samething happen it will say send best offer even thow you dont have watcher on the listing
01-19-2022 10:51 AM
I have had that error before and have not found an explanation about it, I was thinking maybe someone was watching it but they either were suspended/removed by eBay?
01-19-2022 11:04 AM
Send offer will send offers you make to watchers. If you try to send offer for the same items on another occasion the process will only send offers to new watchers (not the watchers who received a previous offer from you). eBay uses their algorithm to determine who receives the offer.
At times eBay also include users who have clicked on your item (but are not watchers) to receive your offers. eBay does not share their algorithms, so it is not always known if results are a "glitch" or by design.
01-19-2022 11:26 AM
Maybe the watches are not interested in receiving offers and opted out of them.