05-08-2019 03:34 PM
I had heard about sending buyers un-solicited offers and last night while on ebay I was reviewing my active listings and I got a page that allowed me to send buyers an offer. I sent a bunch of offers and surprise surprise, I got a sale out of it. Now I want to send some more offers but I can't find that page anywhere! has anyone else tried this?
05-08-2019 03:44 PM - edited 05-08-2019 03:46 PM
I'm not sure if you have the same pages as I do.
I'm not in Seller Hub.
The page where I can send offers to buyers is called " Overview ".
There is a link to it on the left on my " My Ebay- Active " page.
I like this feature & have used it a lot.
It's resulted in several sales for me.
05-08-2019 05:44 PM
awesome thank you. I'll see if I can find it.
05-08-2019 06:50 PM
Ok, tried it and it's not there. I am in seller hub so maybe it's different there. Anyone in seller hub know where this feature is?
05-08-2019 06:52 PM
just found it! yay!
05-08-2019 06:59 PM
I switched my view to the New Selling Overview where I did see that I could send offers, but it comes up on the main page and only shows me 4 (that I don't want to send offers) They have a measly watcher count of 1 and the items are inexpensive.
I'd send offers on a few of my items with more watchers. I want to move some merch.
Do you know if there is a way to see more?
05-08-2019 07:00 PM
05-08-2019 08:20 PM
go to seller hub, then overview, then active listings. It should show you all your listings. look underneath each title. It will say whether the listing has an option to send offers to potential buyers. Not all the listings have it. I don't know what the criteria is?
05-08-2019 09:02 PM
I don't seem to have this feature and I would like to know why if everyone else has it I do not? I just scrolled through 1375 active listings and I do not have a single listing that says I can send an offer to a buyer. I know others are using it with good results and I have received at least a dozen offers on my buying account which is different than this one from sellers that have items saved in my watch list. I have listings with 5-10 watchers on them and would think I should be able to use this feature but I just do not have it. Should I call a blue or CS?
05-08-2019 09:40 PM
Personally, I don't think sending buyers unsolicited offers is a good idea. You have made the offer to sell the item for a certain price simply by placing the listing. Sending a potential buyer an offer to take less than you set the price at appears to be counter productive. It put you, the seller, in the position of appearing to be begging which puts you at a disadvantage.
If you are truly willing to haggle over the price simply include the BO option and mention that you will consider such offers in your listing text. Let the buyer be the one to make the offer.
05-08-2019 09:46 PM
Oooh… there it is, but I had to click on the filter. My default was to show "eligible for promotion" Thanks @flanagan-laneantiques
@ekmadonna Are you using Seller Hub? The filter is at the top of the listings.
05-09-2019 02:26 AM - edited 05-09-2019 02:26 AM
I feel the same way Dennis but many sellers just want to generate sales no matter how they get them or how much they have to compromise their price.
On any other venue I sell on - the buyer initiates a conversation if they are interested in an item and wants to haggle on price. I'm fine with buyers contacting me but I have not had any success sending buyers a best offer. Good luck to others tho.
05-09-2019 04:03 AM
I'm glad you where able to find it.
I hope it works out well for you.
As with everything some will like this feature & some won't.
I got a message from one of my buyers saying that they like
this new feature & they like receiving offers.
I'm sure some buyers won't like it, but an offer can just be ignored.
I'm a seller, but when I'm watching something I may be interested in buying
I don't mind receiving an offer from a seller.
That's perfectly ok with me.
For sellers that don't have this feature yet & want it, I would call ebay.
I think it was rolled out gradually & some may not have it yet.
05-09-2019 06:15 AM
@tunicaslot wrote:I feel the same way Dennis but many sellers just want to generate sales no matter how they get them or how much they have to compromise their price.
On any other venue I sell on - the buyer initiates a conversation if they are interested in an item and wants to haggle on price. I'm fine with buyers contacting me but I have not had any success sending buyers a best offer. Good luck to others tho.
I can understand the use of a lost leader in some retail stores in order to lore customers in. However, I dubious when it comes to the effectiveness of the tactic when it comes to online selling. To set a price and then offer to sell for a lower price before the potential buyer has shown an interest in negotiating seems like shooting yourself in the foot. I believe that it was Charles Roth in the "Secret of Closing Sales" that said you must "...close early and often" but he also mentioned that "...once you close, shut up. The next one to talk loses."
Sorry, but I may not have quote him precisely but the I believe I've conveyed his meaning.
05-09-2019 06:26 AM
just my opinion..........but this is targeting marketing.....to people who show an interest in something....... and while a majority may not work......it only takes a few seconds to use it. I'm willing to try it on either more expensive stuff or stuff that's been around forever before I take those items off....... I don't see what it hurts to try it.