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regular ebay and ebay starter store

Hi all I'm a bit confused on the ebay store, I have a regular ebay that's getting up there in listings (about 370 including the ended listings) and I just purchased a starter store to have more listings each month and it added all my current active listings to the store automatically, do those listings count toward my listing count which already counted to my regular ebay listing count? I thought I would be opening a separate store with 250 auction and 250 buy it now listings in which I would be able to choose what listings I wanted to move or not and be able to add listings to my regular or my store when I wanted. I think what I want to say is I thought it would be a separate store but apparently it's not? I wanted my regular to be a separate personal and my ebay store to be a business account, can that be done?

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regular ebay and ebay starter store

@rogers1949 wrote: ... I just purchased a starter store to have more listings each month ... I thought I would be opening a separate store with 250 auction and 250 buy it now listings ...I wanted my regular to be a separate personal and my ebay store to be a business account, can that be done?

Sellers who do not have a Store subscription get 250 free insertions per month.  When you sign up for a Store, you don't get  those 250 free insertions any more.  When you sign up for a Store subscription. you get free insertions each month based on the level of the subscription. A Starter store gets a total of 250 free insertions, the same as a non-store.


As noted in the other post, if you sign up for a Store, your ID IS that store.  There is no separation of listings that are in your store versus those that are not. All of your listings are automatically in the store.  If you want to have listings that are not in your store, you have to sign up for a separate eBay account.  You can have as many eBay accounts as you like, but each must have its own email address.

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Message 4 of 11
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regular ebay and ebay starter store

I looked on the overview page and I think I figured it out, I can see it's separate on there and I didn't get charged for any listings on the store subscription. I just need to do a little exploring and figure it out.

Message 2 of 11
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regular ebay and ebay starter store

An eBay Store is not a separate account from the eBay ID that creates it.  The two are one.


Think of it this way -- registering for a Store gives you access to a collection of tools not available to non-Store accounts.  It moves your perceived account type up one notch -- buyer, seller, Store.


The fact that none of your 'included fee-free' Store listings have been used is a fluke of timing.  Your listings were already active, so no Store listing was necessary.  However, if those are GTC listings, they will count once they renew, possibly later this month, and you will see your available fee-free count go down even tho you posted nothing new.  The count went down by the number of GTC listings that renewed.


Having/Being a Store has it's advantages.  First are the tools - there are a lot of features that Store sellers can access that non-Store sellers cannot.  Mailing lists, Store banner on your listings, Store Categories (think departments at your local B&M retailer), and fun things like Promotions (not Promoted Listings - the two are different).


A Store subscription will provide you with a given count of "free" (so long as you pay your Store fee each month) listings, recently enhanced with both more and select extra freebies.  If you are cramped with just the 250 freebies given to non-Store accounts, then a Store may open up more listings at a lower per-listing cost (the store fee divided by the 'free' listing count), and with listings over those counts having reduced fees as well.


A Store subscription also gives you a set cost for listings each month.  For example, non-Store accounts get 250 listings free each month.  No Store fee, just listings with no posting fee.  Store accounts pay a set fee and get more no-fee listings in exchange for that fee.  The company I work for has a mid-level store, with 40K included listings each month, plus more free Auctions in select categories, and more free GTC/BIN listings in select categories.  We're currently using about 25% of those listings each month, meaning we have a lot of growth room with no change in our monthly cost.  And that monthly cost is significantly less than if we posted those 10K listings thru a non-Store account.


So you are on the right path, but you may find the Starter Store to be a bit too tight a fit.  Upgrading to a higher level (higher fee with higher limits) should be as easy as just upgrading, but you'll need to talk to someone more recently experienced with Stores.  My last Store closed in 2008 after about 10yrs of making a lot of sales.  I haven't started with a new Store because I'm not listing/selling at a level that would need a Store.  By choice -- I do eBay all day for my employer (going from self-employed to W2 solved a lot of income tax issues for me), so continuing to work at that level after I get home would soon find me sleeping in my truck!  My wife is patient and understanding -- but there are limits.  🙂  Plus I have other interests that I'm indulging for a while... like learning more about these iMacs I've been restoring recently.


Look at your listings - if you have GTC listings that renew over the next few days, watch how those renewals affect your Store listings available.


A Store is a feature of the seller's account, not a separate account.  But you can have a Store and a personal account -- just use two different email addresses.  eBay allows individuals to have multiple accounts (I currently have 4 and am considering starting #5) - just don't use one account to bid/buy from another account, and don't list the same inventory on multiple accounts at the same time.  There are a few more restrictions, but those are the Big Two that will get you in trouble the fastest.  And they are the easiest to avoid.


Note: the IRS doesn't look at 'business' and 'personal' when dealing with income earned on eBay -- it's all the same and it's all taxable.  Less legitimate deductions (cost of goods, shipping charges, eBay fees, etc).  That comes straight from the IRS agent who audited my 2005 tax return - the first year I was fully self-employed.  There are plenty of conversations on this board and others related to taxes - search them out and do a bit of reading.  Reading now can avoid upset later... upset, additional taxes, penalties, and interest on the delayed taxes due. 


Lots to learn.  But you're off to a good start -- asking questions is always better than just guessing and hoping you're right.  🙂



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Message 3 of 11
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regular ebay and ebay starter store

@rogers1949 wrote: ... I just purchased a starter store to have more listings each month ... I thought I would be opening a separate store with 250 auction and 250 buy it now listings ...I wanted my regular to be a separate personal and my ebay store to be a business account, can that be done?

Sellers who do not have a Store subscription get 250 free insertions per month.  When you sign up for a Store, you don't get  those 250 free insertions any more.  When you sign up for a Store subscription. you get free insertions each month based on the level of the subscription. A Starter store gets a total of 250 free insertions, the same as a non-store.


As noted in the other post, if you sign up for a Store, your ID IS that store.  There is no separation of listings that are in your store versus those that are not. All of your listings are automatically in the store.  If you want to have listings that are not in your store, you have to sign up for a separate eBay account.  You can have as many eBay accounts as you like, but each must have its own email address.

Message 4 of 11
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regular ebay and ebay starter store

Your “regular eBay” is an eBay account. An eBay store enhances that account. You need an eBay account to start an eBay store.

Look at it like an eBay account is a person, an eBay store is a jacket. You can’t have a jacket with a person wearing it. So you need a person in order to get that jacket. Also, a person can’t wear two jackets at the same time. Just like an eBay account can’t have two eBay stores.

If you want two separate entities, you’ll have to open up a second eBay account.

Message 5 of 11
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regular ebay and ebay starter store

Ok I understand now, I was up over 300 listings and keeping the listings up for free with my 250 free listings each month so I thought I would be getting more listings with a store and the store would be separate from my regular 250 free listings. So I'm still where I was with the 250 listings but I gained some perks like lower final value fees, store categories and other things I will need to learn but the listing count is still the same with the starter store and it's not a separate account like I thought. I guess I will keep building up my listings and when I get enough built up and ready to list I will upgrade to the 1,000 listing plan, Thanks for the help! rogers1949.

Message 6 of 11
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regular ebay and ebay starter store

The final value fee rates in most (maybe all) categories are the same for Starter stores as for non-stores.




Message 7 of 11
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regular ebay and ebay starter store

you're right I guess I didn't really gain anything by adding the starter store, more listings is all I really wanted but for that I should have added the basic store. the starter store said 250 auction and 250 buy it now  and I was thinking 500 but it's 250 total listings, I learn as I go... LOL!

Message 8 of 11
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regular ebay and ebay starter store

Now I'm being charged 10-20 cents for the buy it now price on my auctions which was the way to tell the difference between the new listings and the listings that have been around for a while, no buy it now price = new listing and buy it now price means it has been around for a while so so much for the 250 free listings they are going to be charging me for them now. I don't know, I would like to hang on to my store name but I might end up scratching the store all together and going back to the way it was if my ebay will revert back to the way it was. 

Message 9 of 11
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regular ebay and ebay starter store

You can cancel your Starter subscription at any time, but the cancellation will take effect on the first day of the next calendar month. Also there is a minimum subscription time of one full month plus whatever portion remained in the month you signed up in. So if you cancel your subscription at any time during February, the cancellation will take effect on March 1, unless you signed up for the store during February, in which case you are committed through the end of March and the store will be cancelled on April 1.  You can read more about this in the store Terms of Service, here:


But the recent seller update revealed that eBay will no longer charge a fee for store sellers who add BIN to their auctions, starting next week.


Seller update:

Message 10 of 11
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regular ebay and ebay starter store

I remember reading both those pages when I switched to the store but I guess I failed to read or remember reading the after feb. 15th part of adding the buy it now to the auction, I wasn't being charged before the store so I was thrown off when it started charging me. it looks like I should be back to my old routine after Feb 15th, Thanks for the help! rogers1949.

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