10-23-2019 08:50 AM
I need help with setting up my recordkeeping for a small operation. I'm having difficulty getting all info pertaining to each item, like which shipping charge in paypal goes to which buyer or item.
10-23-2019 11:33 AM
It may be best for you to find a local CPA with Ebay site experience to guide you. While we can certainly assist you here, it may not be all inclusive and you will have state and federal requirements to meet. So paying a professional for an hour of their time is likely to be money well spent.
Play around in the PP site. They have reports available to you. Some can even be downloaded and then you can work with it inside of a worksheet program like Excel.
On the Seller Hub in Ebay, under Orders. There is a report you can download and capture your sales information.
Make sure you keep all your receipts for any items you purchased for resale. Also any supplies you may purchase to run your little business to include shipping supplies.
10-23-2019 11:57 AM