02-03-2018 03:19 PM
Trying to find a last minute gift today I searched only listings with returns accepted. I spent the longest time looking at one item. I read the description but skipped over the blah blah about policies. I already knew what I needed to know. Just before buying I read the description again, more slowly and see this!!!
This isn't a misprint or mistake. The seller even had feedback from a buyer who'd received something broken but didn't return it because they didn't want to pay shipping both ways!!
I wrote out the following message, but I won't send it and won't report the seller either. It would just be a further waste of my time. .... Maybe this seller will recognize their own writing and "self eject"!!!
"I am offended by your terms! Believe me, if I bought this item from you and it was "misdescribed" or damaged, you WOULD refund in whole and pay shipping both ways. If I bought it and changed my mind, I would pay shipping and your "restocking fee" but you WOULD accept my return and provide a refund. It is obviously dishonest to CHECK "accept returns" in your listing form, then SAY you do not take returns for buyer remorse in the listing text. It is dishonest to even insinuate to a buyer that they must pay shipping costs and your restocking fee to be held harmless from for your error. Your items are alright, and you have buyers, but you are after all, just a CHEAT.
Your listings were in my search results because you misrepresent your policies, leading me to WASTE time I didn't have to waste. "Live and let live" is a courtesy reserved for those who live by the rules. Now, PLEASE, waste YOUR time blocking me.
02-03-2018 03:23 PM
A seller can put something in his listing, but that does not mean it is enforceable.
To the buyer who received the broken item, all she had to do was file SNAD. Seller would have had to send her a shipping label. And you cannot enforce a stocking fee on SNAD.
Too bad that buyer did not know more about her buyer protection.
02-03-2018 03:29 PM
Actually you were the one wasting your time searching for something that said "returns accepted". Everything on eBay is returnable. Just choose the "right" reason.
02-03-2018 03:33 PM
What the seller says doesn't matter.
On practically every Ebay listing you will see this:
The money back guarantee overrules any terms the seller may put in their description.
02-03-2018 03:33 PM
Now I'm just embarrassed for calling foul. eBay must not care too much about this behavior. My second runner up item has something similar written in their return policy details, "Changed mind is not a valid reason for a return." I DID decide to report, only to find such double speak is not on the list of reportable offenses.
... Maybe it is emerald40 says, such statements are not enforceable, so what's to bother.
02-03-2018 03:37 PM
02-03-2018 03:38 PM
Great witty response! Thank you!
02-03-2018 03:39 PM
Many sellers do not understand that if they take returns, they take returns for any reason.
However, one should not make up a false not as described situation in order to return something to a no returns seller. If you have buyer's remorse, or it doesn't fit, or you don't like it, you can sell it, give it as a gift, or just give it away. Seller should not have to pay original and return shipping when he specified no returns and the item is not truly not as described.
02-03-2018 03:50 PM
As a buyer, when i see a wall of angry terms in a listing, i hit the back button. It says to me that the seller is negative, is anticipating me being a problem, and has no confidence that the transaction will be smooth. It says that the seller has had problems before and may be bitter about them. I’ve seen long drawn out TOS with little to no description of the item i hope to buy. I pass these by.
02-03-2018 04:21 PM
I'm just the opposite, lol! I ignore terms in a listing that go against the MBG since I know I'm covered. Now, it does have to be something I really want and at a great price. Otherwise, I look elsewhere, too.
02-03-2018 04:31 PM
There are millions of sellers on eBay.
Very few come here.
The seller will never see the posts that you are making here unless you were to message them, and direct them to come here to read it:)
02-03-2018 06:48 PM
You could send the KISS version: Creating Your Return Policy: If you accept returns, a buyer can return an item for any reason, even if they change their mind about a purchase https://pages.ebay.com/help/sell/return-policy.html
02-03-2018 07:53 PM
If returns is something that is important to you, you should learn about the MBG and what happens/who pays shipping if it's INAD. And that if the seller has Returns Accepted on their listing they HAVE to accept returns for ANY reason. And the restocking fee MUST be part of their legit terms, not buried in the listing.
02-03-2018 08:01 PM
wrote:Many sellers do not understand that if they take returns, they take returns for any reason.
However, one should not make up a false not as described situation in order to return something to a no returns seller. If you have buyer's remorse, or it doesn't fit, or you don't like it, you can sell it, give it as a gift, or just give it away. Seller should not have to pay original and return shipping when he specified no returns and the item is not truly not as described.
Not seeing where OP indicated she would do that? Am I missing something, @castlemagicmemories? Or were you just saying as a rule of practice, a buyer shouldn't file a false SNAD (which, of course, I agree with)?
The issue here is the seller says he offer returns, then goes to great lengths to say it only applies to NADs. Clearly, the seller is only trrying to get out of paying the return shipping he should pay if he misrepresents an item and it isn't wanted.
Why should a buyer be stuck with an item that is not as described, simply because the seller makes up an unenforceable TOS stating he won't pay return shipping as required by the MBG? The buyer shouldn't have to try to resell it or gift it.
A return policy means you take stuff back and refund the dissatisfied buyer's money. For ANY reason. Including remorse.
02-03-2018 08:06 PM
wrote:As a buyer, when i see a wall of angry terms in a listing, i hit the back button. It says to me that the seller is negative, is anticipating me being a problem, and has no confidence that the transaction will be smooth. It says that the seller has had problems before and may be bitter about them. I’ve seen long drawn out TOS with little to no description of the item i hope to buy. I pass these by.
Right there with you, @fashunu4eeuh. That's a huge red flag, as well as a major buyer turnoff.
I mean, tell me what you're selling, not how you intend to get out of giving me a refund or preventing my returning something if there's a problem with the item.