05-14-2023 02:44 PM
If you still use the auction format are you finding it harder than usual to move the stuff? I like auctions for moving stuff outta the house. It's tough right now though. I have limited space to store "lots" in my store at home. I am wondering if I need to make some major changes, put the stuff in the store but move it all to the storage unit. This would be a significant hassle but the unit is climate-controlled, not like my old crummy unit.
I do often relist and tack on Best Offer which sometimes helps. Other times the lots sell out of the store. I think the trend is skewing that way right now.
05-15-2023 12:11 AM
The longer visibility of FP in the GTC format also allows propagation into external search engines which take longer to crawl than the brief amount of time for an auction format - for longer tail items this definitely helps - more than a few times I've found something I wanted here through Google or Bing. I'd rather haggle a bit than have failed auctions - I have more control that way, also.
From time to time I find something I just can't price and I'll put it on auction, but it's getting vanishingly rare now - there is just so.much.stuff online now chances are there's more than one of just about anything.
05-15-2023 01:00 AM
that makes sense though I don't really have seasonal stuff. In books the best times are Nov-Jan and again in August. Now is not a good time. I keep getting inventory though. My therapist says I'm a hoarder and pushes back when I say "everyone does it". I'm already paying for the unit to hold unlisted inventory so also using it to hold Store material might be worthwhile except for the hassle factor.
05-15-2023 01:06 AM
Not to beat a dead horse but I like Fixed Price fine and sell stuff that way. But other material can just sit and sit until I have to purge it, and it takes up a lot of space. This house is already a dire Ebay house. When auctions work well at least I can move the material out of the house. I could just say, give it 2 weeks at auction and get rid of the unsold stuff. It's so hard to know what may eventually sell to the right buyer who happens along and will pay the price or make an offer. An auction basically has a "drop dead" ending and may get some people off the fence. But right now I seem to lack books that have that immediate "wow" factor.
05-15-2023 02:49 AM
I use the auction format almost exclusively but more for time management reasons than anything else. I find it still works for what I sell but for some it may not be the best format. Auction or BIN things on eBay appear to be a bit slow at the moment but my other venues/forums are holding steady but then again I am not a huge seller.
05-15-2023 03:48 AM
last year I did good with auctions. This year I haven't even gotten one bid even though I started with very, very, very low prices.
Don't waste your time.