08-04-2018 06:58 AM
How's it going anymore? are your books selling, or languising? I'm finding it hard to get at all enthusiastic about listing single books any more due to low sales. [I"m doing as much as I can with lots].
Before someone chimes in about how books are dead in general, I am getting way more sales than ever on Amazon, where "list more, sell more" actually works. I think the Goodwills and Thriftbooks have killed the book market here.
08-04-2018 07:41 AM
@keziak wrote:How's it going anymore? are your books selling, or languising? I'm finding it hard to get at all enthusiastic about listing single books any more due to low sales. [I"m doing as much as I can with lots].
Before someone chimes in about how books are dead in general, I am getting way more sales than ever on Amazon, where "list more, sell more" actually works. I think the Goodwills and Thriftbooks have killed the book market here.
Yes, the mega-sellers have killed the book market here ... and then to make matters even worse, non-mega sellers then start a Race-To-The Bottom to beat the mega-sellers prices.
Great for buyers, but a nail in the coffin for non-mega-sellers both here and at Amazon, where the mega-sellers ALSO sell.
Fascinating though why the non-mega-sellers don't just wait for the mega-seller's books to sell, and then list their own books ..... rather then perpetuatng their Race-To-The Bottom pricing model.
Doing that would NOT eliminate the Race-To-The Bottom pricing strategy of most Ebay book sellers ..... but at least it would give them a higher base line selling price to start with.
08-04-2018 07:47 AM
@keziak wrote:Before someone chimes in about how books are dead in general, I am getting way more sales than ever on Amazon, where "list more, sell more" actually works.
I'll chime in ...
if my Amazon sales were "way more than ever" and my eBay sales were low, my enthusiasm for listing here would not be my focus.
08-04-2018 08:03 AM
I am not a 'book seller', only a hobby seller.
I have had a lot of books to get rid of over the past few years and there is NO way I can compete with the megas on single books. The only luck I've had is by selling in lots by author or interest and selling at a reasonable, but not rock bottom price. Even then, my sell rate was about 65%.
08-04-2018 10:19 AM
@flipper2flipper wrote:
@keziak wrote:How's it going anymore? are your books selling, or languising? I'm finding it hard to get at all enthusiastic about listing single books any more due to low sales. [I"m doing as much as I can with lots].
Before someone chimes in about how books are dead in general, I am getting way more sales than ever on Amazon, where "list more, sell more" actually works. I think the Goodwills and Thriftbooks have killed the book market here.
Yes, the mega-sellers have killed the book market here ... and then to make matters even worse, non-mega sellers then start a Race-To-The Bottom to beat the mega-sellers prices.
Great for buyers, but a nail in the coffin for non-mega-sellers both here and at Amazon, where the mega-sellers ALSO sell.
Fascinating though why the non-mega-sellers don't just wait for the mega-seller's books to sell, and then list their own books ..... rather then perpetuatng their Race-To-The Bottom pricing model.
Doing that would NOT eliminate the Race-To-The Bottom pricing strategy of most Ebay book sellers ..... but at least it would give them a higher base line selling price to start with.
Just adding one more thing that I thought of to my comments above.
When an Ebay book seller starts his / her Race-To-The Bottom pricing to beat a mega-seller's book price ..... the Ebay seller assumes that the mega-seller actually has the book in stock.
If you look at the negative and neutral feedback numbers for the mega-sellers, they have very high negative and neutral feedback for Out Of Stock comments from buyers.
That is NOT important to the mega-sellers because they have thousands of positive feedbacks in the same time period ...... which effectively keeps their defect rate low enough to NOT affect them.
But when an Ebay seller starts his / her Race-To-The Bottom pricing based on the mega-seller's baseline price on a book that is or will eventually turn out to be Out of Stock, then the Ebay seller's pricing strategy turned out to be a serious mistake.
It is not uncommon for a mega-seller to list the same book, at the same price on both Ebay and Amazon at the same time ..... and that could be one of the reasons that there are so many Out of Stock feedback comments for the mega-sellers on Ebay ...... ( because the mega-seller was either slow to cancel the listing on Ebay, or because the mega-seller did not care spend the time to cancel the listing ....... and did not care if they got one more Out of Stock defect because their actual sales volume of fulfilled orders per month is so large ..... probably several thousand books and probably a 98% or more fulfillment rate, so a few more defects won't actually hurt their "rolling 12 month defect % ) ).
My summary of all of my rambling above is:
When an Ebay seller starts his / her Race-To-The Bottom pricing based on the mega-seller's baseline price of a book that is or that will eventually turn out to be Out of Stock, then the Ebay seller's pricing strategy turned out to be a serious mistake.
Obviously, an Ebay seller has no way of knowing whether or not the mega-seller actually has the book in stock ...... but when you play the Race-To-The Bottom Game of pricing, that is one of the risks that you take.
Perhaps Ebay should consider lowering the Acceptable Defect Rate for the mega-sellers ?
Just my 2 cents of observation as an ocasional book buyer and as an occasional book seller on Ebay.
08-04-2018 11:07 AM
@luckythewinner wrote:
@keziak wrote:Before someone chimes in about how books are dead in general, I am getting way more sales than ever on Amazon, where "list more, sell more" actually works.
I'll chime in ...
if my Amazon sales were "way more than ever" and my eBay sales were low, my enthusiasm for listing here would not be my focus.
I spend most of my time listing and shipping Amazon books but I've sold books on Ebay for so many years, I can't seem to just give up on it. At this point that might not be entirely rational. I get enough income that I would miss it if I quit.
08-04-2018 11:14 AM
Good points. Probably my main problem here is that I don't price to compete with mega-sellers. Most of my books are also double-listed and I skew to Amazon prices. Which are possibly systematically too high for ebay anymore. Also most of my books are in better condition than thrashed mega-seller cheap books, though it's likely that many buyers get tired of clicking into multiple listings to get the condition, and just take the one priced the lowest. I won't price my copies that low just to get a sale. Though the fact is I mostly...don't get a sale. On Amazon it's super easy to see up front the condition [despite occasional weirdness like ex-library or marked-up books listed as "like new"].
08-04-2018 12:52 PM
I used to do very well with books here, they are cheap to buy and if you know the right titles and special niche area books then they would sell fairly regularly. I would guess I used to sell at least 10 a month. I don't mind letting them sit till the right buyer comes along. I did have a return about 4 months ago from a NEW 0 FEED BACK buyer, 1973 boating book. he complained it smelled moldy which it did not. it was practically brand new. Since that return my book sales have died. I did just sell one yesterday and 1 a few weeks ago but that one bogus return has killed my book sales apparently.
08-04-2018 01:00 PM
but that one bogus return has killed my book sales
I don't understand.
If you sent Return Shipping and refunded on arrival, there should be no problem with your selling account.
How do your May/July 2018 sales compare with May/July 2017 and May/July 2016? Because it may just be time of the year.
I see a dropoff in booksales every summer while my heaviest sales are from January to April.
(This year I had my store On Vacation for most of July as it was for different reasons in July 2016, so my own comparisons are difficult to make.)
08-04-2018 02:42 PM
I have one account devoted solely to nonfiction books and magazines - did reasonably well until June and July, but those have never been the best months for selling books. Things usually pick up In August after colleges open.
I stopped selling books on Amazon in 2014 after I sold off my husband's collections. Have been considering re-opening there in September for my higher priced titles.
08-04-2018 02:55 PM
I am doing fine as long as I list hundreds of items and offer what the mega-sellers don't have.
08-04-2018 03:01 PM
I returned for full refund no questions asked. I am just making a point that my book sales have taken a nosedive since. I have never had a problem selling books year round no matter what the season.
08-04-2018 03:11 PM
08-04-2018 06:29 PM
@keziak wrote:How's it going anymore? are your books selling, or languising? I'm finding it hard to get at all enthusiastic about listing single books any more due to low sales. [I"m doing as much as I can with lots].
Before someone chimes in about how books are dead in general, I am getting way more sales than ever on Amazon, where "list more, sell more" actually works. I think the Goodwills and Thriftbooks have killed the book market here.
I collect vintage books from the 1950's-1980's, and I also buy newer books here and there. As a buyer, I actually prefer single listings if the seller offers discounted combined shipping. I have over 1,900 Gothic paperbacks, so when I see lots oftentimes I have too many of the books in the lot to buy it.
I do a lot of my used book buying on Amazon because they have more individual sellers instead of larger companies who tend to dropship trash to my front door. I find that average Jane and Joe's usually send you good copies of books.
08-05-2018 05:24 PM