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not making any money

paid 10 cents for my item.


I sold it for $5


Buyer paid $5.40 (8% tax)


eBay charged me  $0.70  +  $0.30


Bubble mailer $0.08


It cost  $3.72 to ship.


My profit before eBay took their fees was 11 times what I paid for the item.


How can eBay do this to me?


eBay took 91% of my profit, but at least by not promoting it I

left myself enough money to buy another $0.10 item.


Getting closer to that condo in Boca every day.



Message 1 of 50
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not making any money

Please refer to my post made at


09-07-2022 03:02 PM

Message 46 of 50
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not making any money

@buyselljack2016 wrote:

Please refer to my post made at


09-07-2022 03:02 PM

Nope, I just post my opinion and flee. 



Message 47 of 50
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not making any money

On a more serious note: I pay 700% Final Value Fees.


Customer buys for $30; pays $6 shipping and $3 Tax. 


I am charged 12.9% plus 2% Promo plus .30c on that total of $39.


So that means I am being charged $5.76 on an item that cost me .83c


That is 7 times the cost of my item, or the equivalent of 700% final value fee.


My book is on sale at your neighborhood store.


Titled: Creative Math 2.0



Message 48 of 50
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not making any money

I'm done selling.  I don't want to sell volume.  I liked picking up things here and there and making a couple of dollars.  Now, my profits are getting too small to justify my time and energy.

Message 49 of 50
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not making any money

Ebay did  not do this to you you did!

If you run a business with no concept of fixed and variable costs, profits and marginal profits, this is what you get.  Now two years later I find I am not purchasing any more inventory, since people like you mostly populate eBay.  In your defense, the Marxist run public schools are as to blame for not given young people even the crudest skills (eating with no spoons, forks, knives or chopsticks...) to understand or thrive in a capitalist society. The medium to  long term plan is blame capitalism and turn the US into yet another Maxrist Sh******.  Yes I spend time in Prague and East Berlin on 1980 so I know if what I speak. Compare that  to my experiences as a student on Germany where every student understands the economics needed for Germany to thrive.  I am so tired of fighting on eBay for even a somewhat reasonable price and profits, enough list the inventory in stock and move into business plan B.  Next!

Message 50 of 50
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