01-01-2022 08:29 AM
I recently had two (2) items removed, both for the wrong reasons.
The items are fixed blade knives. The listing follows all guidelines. The reason given in the generic email was it was an ''automatic knife''.
When I call customer service it is like a crap shoot to get someone who will actually help you.
The first listing I had to call 7 times to get someone who would help.
The first 4 times I was hung up on. The second two times I was told ''we dont allow knives on Ebay. Which is a false statement.
The seventh time I called I actually spoke to someone who took the time to help. I sent her the spec sheets and the MPN and UPC number. She immediately approved my appeal. I also offered the same information to the previous 6 reps but they had no interest. I noticed their standard answer is ''I will escalate your concern to the proper department. I never hear back. I have also asked to speak to a manager and noone has ever returned my call.
Now I have the same issue with the another knife and I do not want to go through above again.
Sorry to be so wordy, I just want to provide a full picture.
So, my question is this.
How do you talk to someone at EBAY that will actually help you and resolve your issue the first time and not have to call so many times?
Thank you for your time.
01-01-2022 08:33 AM
Hi; I recently learned the same painful lesson. I sell vintage knives, and have done so for 20 years on Ebay, including thousands with bone handles.
In December, mid Christmas rush, my account was severely restricted over Ebay's "animal products" policies despite me having disclaimers about the bone being bovine bone.
Calling Ebay's help line I just got screamed at...literally...two separate occasions.
The lesson - go to the Ebay Facebook page and post your issue - they will deal with it professionally and promptly - night and day difference!!
01-01-2022 08:34 AM
01-01-2022 09:11 AM
Looks like you have been selling for less than three months. Whatever you do don't try to relist either one until this gets resolved.
01-01-2022 10:34 AM
i have had the same issues as you.
I have been even accused of selling illegal items
and threatening other ebay members on the forums.
When I ask the ''moderator'' to provide proof they never answer.
Since the 3rd of December have asked to speak to a Supervisor 22 times. NO RESPONSE.
01-01-2022 11:07 AM
Thanks for the responses.
I read online that with EBAY there are two sets of rules.
Those that apply to small business like myself and those that apply to big sellers.
If a small player lists an item that is compition for a big business. whether by price or quality.
The listing by the small player is removed and member restricted.
I found the same items that were removed from my listings listed by member with over 5k sales and listing have been up for over a year.
My quess is EBAY doesnt support small business or women owned businesses.