09-06-2021 06:51 AM
09-06-2021 06:53 AM
Sellers haven't been able to leave negs since 2008.
09-06-2021 06:55 AM
So you've been on eBay for nearly 20 years and were not aware that sellers can never ever leave negative feedback for buyers?
Incidentally, that response to FB left for you by a buyer is eligible for removal if the buyer would report it.
09-06-2021 06:57 AM
Sellers no longer can leave neg feedback for buyers
If you put up a negative comment anyway (it will still be green) that’s a violation
Look look! Everyone!
A PERFECT example of why negs for buyers was taken away!!! REVENGE FEEDBACK
And why did your buyer give you a negative, hmmmmm?
09-06-2021 07:00 AM
@hunkahunka_elvis wrote:How can i leave negative feedback to a buyer who has left negative feedback to me??
You can't.
09-06-2021 07:01 AM
Sorry... not can do!
According to eBay, the sun rises and sets on the buyers rear end. Any suggestion to the contrary is not permitted.
It's especially not permitted to say anything that might warn another seller that the buyer could be a potential problem.
09-06-2021 07:02 AM
And your reply is COMPLETELY unprofessional - I’d NEVER buy from you
”Sorry you are not pleased with purchase. Please return for full refund”
Feedback is for your FUTURE BUYERS not the transaction gone wrong!
MOREOVER his makes HIM look like the idiot and would have been REMOVABLE for sort of swearing but now it sticks because you had to answer
Some people should NOT sell online
09-06-2021 07:16 AM
@soh.maryl it is not removable. She can't leave a negative or negative comment on his profile. She can respond to feedback left on her profile to clarify or defend. Her reply might make him uncomfortable but she is allowed to leave it as long as there's no profanity, etc.
09-06-2021 07:21 AM
@hunkahunka_elvis I believe his feedback is removable.
09-06-2021 07:29 AM
09-06-2021 07:53 AM
Aw shucks! Missed it!
09-06-2021 07:58 AM
I have some leftover popcorn you can have.
09-06-2021 08:39 AM
You cain't - you just can respond "nicely" to their neg.
09-06-2021 09:58 AM
...it would be more interesting to see sellers leave negative feedback for buyers...
...it was already interesting enough to read some negative feedback from buyers...
09-06-2021 10:57 AM
If you scroll back about 15 years on the Feedback pages of some sellers you can still see it.
But it's unlikely because those hot-head sellers are mostly NARU.
Perhaps they quit.
Perhaps they were booted.