01-15-2021 01:51 PM
if i am just selling my coins that are in my collection, do i have to sign up for the ebay managed sells. i do not have a ebay store...and i really dont want my bank account listed on ebay.
01-15-2021 01:57 PM
If you do not sign up you will not be selling.
Note at this time coins and bullion ore prohibited items under MP,
Note on MP at about the 25th of this month you should be able to sell coins.
01-15-2021 02:12 PM
Coins are allowed since January 13th on ebay with MP. But you do have to sign up to managed payments if you want to continue selling here. My suggestion is get a separate checking account just for ebay sales.
01-15-2021 02:49 PM
Not sure I understand
You were ok with PayPal having your information?
01-15-2021 04:52 PM
Your bank account may be listed with eBay, but it is not public.
In fact, I believe technically it is not even with eBay but with their payment processor Ayden.
There are many problems with Managed Payments, but information security is not one of them.
Full Disclosure: I was invited into MP last August and have been whining and holding out ever since.
01-15-2021 04:59 PM
they have got me down for march 1st.