08-04-2018 09:01 PM
when i try to list my plastic toy cap gun, after pressing the "LIST ITEM" button, it does'nt list it and just goes back to the create listing screen and has a message in red text at the very top, saying all this stuff about if you list a replica toy gun, it has to meet the requirements and have a permenantly attached orange tip or plug in the barrel, and should show the tip in every picture you use, and my cap gun does already have a plastic red piece inserted into the very tip of the barrel, and i deleted all the pictures i had that did'nt show the tip, but it did'nt make a difference, and still would'nt let me list it?, so why is it not letting me get past the creating screen and complete the listing ?, what am i doing thats wrong ?
i did search other cap gun listings and saw what they had inserted into the tip, and i don't understand really, cause alot of them just looked as though they just jammed a piece of orange foam into the tip of the barrel, or one of those orange foam earplugs?, and those don't look permanent?, mine already had a permenant red plastic tip, so it seems like that should meet the requirements and be good enough?
any help with this so i understand how it works would be appreciated.
Solved! Go to Best Answer
08-05-2018 06:18 AM
Tip is not visible from the side. It must extend 1/2 inch beyond the barrel. Yours is broken and not properly visible
08-04-2018 09:25 PM
Can you post a picture of the tip here? Lots of sellers try to get around the policy by using an orange foam ear plug of something else that is not permanently attached. I think the bots are much better at detecting such pictures than they used to be.
08-04-2018 09:30 PM
Another thought if it actually is within policy, you may be receiving a warning about the policy only, are you sure that when it brings up the warning there is not a "list now" button you can click to finish listing it? Some items with restrictions will bring up the warning first before actually letting you submit it.
08-04-2018 09:40 PM
i actually forgot to add the photo, i meant to post a picture along with my original post question, so i'll post a pic here, and no, i looked and it did'nt have any "List Item" button next to that message or anything ?
i think it used to have a red cross in the center of that red tip, and i cut that part out i think when i was little, so thats why its a red plastic tip but still has a hole through it, i wonder if thats why i can't list it ?, since the tip and hole of the barrel is'nt totally covered up ?, maybe you can't have a hole cause it looks like it shoots some type of projectile or something ?
08-04-2018 09:47 PM
My guess would be that it is that mangled looking tip, which gives the appearance of being something "improvised" like I described above.
08-05-2018 05:28 AM
so should i just assume that is probably the reason and just put something else into the tip of the gun, such as an orange foam earplug and take new pictures of it with that in it instead and then see what happens when i try to list it ?
08-05-2018 05:37 AM
I vaguely recall that only certain approved sellers could list these.
08-05-2018 06:18 AM
Tip is not visible from the side. It must extend 1/2 inch beyond the barrel. Yours is broken and not properly visible
08-05-2018 08:53 AM
08-05-2018 09:03 AM
Just "glue" a wire nut or ear plug to the tip.
08-05-2018 09:37 AM
@fern*wood wrote:I vaguely recall that only certain approved sellers could list these.
There is no such policy and certain sellers that can list them. Ebay a policy that Cap Guns made before 1986 aren't required to have the Orange tip, But the bot's programing for that policy has never been fixed to except it, do to the ebay tech boys not updateding the programing .
08-06-2018 03:56 AM
thanks for the info on the policy and how it supposed to look, i did'nt know it supposed to extend 1/2" out from the barrel or that it had to be seen from the side, plus thanks for the tip on glueing either a foam earplug or a wire nut on it, i'll do one of those. now i understand what you have to do in order to sell cap guns on ebay, i needed to know because i have several older cap guns from the 80's that i was going to put up for sale.
i also have a "cap grenade", which has a metal tip you insert a cap into and close it and you drop it where that tip hits the ground and the cap goes off, i don't know if i need to do anything as far as the policy goes to be able to list that for sale ? i guess i will find out ?
08-06-2018 04:24 AM
I think the grenade is fine as-is.
I have a cap gun up maybe once a year and that "glue" method works just fine.
08-06-2018 08:31 AM
ok thanks