12-05-2024 01:05 PM
The first week in Dec has always been the best week of the year for me. Last week was pretty good, sold books and DVDs (woodworking). This week so far very little. I am no longer on Amazon so I don't know if the surge is happening there. Yes, I know it could be the dreaded not having what people want.
12-05-2024 02:11 PM
I think if it's going to pick up that it would be very soon, Because time is getting tight if they want item's before Christmas
12-05-2024 02:37 PM
I did not have my normal holiday surge. My sales are down over 75% compared to Dec 1 - 5 last year. Heck, I just checked and sales are down 86% compared to Nov 1-5 of this year!
Maybe the buyers who like my items are already done shopping.
12-05-2024 04:05 PM
I guess "the economy" is one possibility and maybe people are returning to stores. I am sure there is data a n d commentary out there about it. I recently left Amazon for good so if I can't make Ebay more consistently productive I"m looking at retiring years earlier than I'd ever planned.
12-05-2024 05:05 PM
Basically it's 'repeat buyers' for me first week of December.
To me it means I do have items buyers would want.
New buyers...that's up to eBay...whoever promotes the highest gets the most exposure.
One day shipping and 30 days free returns and tracking gets you to the head of the line as well as TRS...TRS+
No matter if you have 50 negative feedbacks in 6 months or 1 month you can get in front of others...feedbacks doesn't make any money for we know who.
12-05-2024 05:08 PM
I think the down periods and surges are happening to different sellers at different times this year.
For some november was bad and December seems better, others, vice versa..
12-05-2024 05:34 PM
My repeat buyers really showed up for me the couple of weeks prior to this one. Maybe things will pick up Sunday. Thursday has often been dead for me. I'm trying not to hope ebay will do enough better to offset not selling on Amazon. That's a tall order and might require at least doubling my inventory which is tough because so many books are not good for here, low prices.