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has ebay fixed the "manage make offer settings" yet? THIS SHOULD BE A PRIORITY!!!

The reason for this is that I did NOT want this option, and yet it was added to ALL of my auctions with out my permission, and it sends messages to me for ridiculous low offers far below my lowest expectation for an auction. seriously.

This being fixed so that we can manage ALL our make offer options in ONE location, is a MUST, as this is harassment as far as I am concerned at this point, and is a very easy way for a customer to actually harass sellers, adding just one more option customers have to screw over sellers, just like the fact we can not leave neg feedback for a terrible self entitled buyer to warn others to avoid them. People who have unrealistic expectations for delivery, or use the threat of negative feedback to extort money and products from sellers, NEED TO GET NEGATIVE FEEDBACK at the least, if not jail time, as this is blackmail and here in the USA, blackmail is ILLEGAL and CRIMINALLY proscutable.

one solution? fix it all? make the feedback more of a mini "forum" posting like PHP bulletin boards where each one expands to show dialog right there, in the open between customer and seller, with no way to retract or delete the details unless it is submitted and both buyer and seller click accept to allow removal, or deletion. that way, you can see when something went wrong, and maybe someone clicked something too quick, then it was resolved in a good way, how it all went down. period. the best sellers, are not those who have no hickups in their past, but rather those whom have, and handled it excellently for the customer, and this sort of info in public view, would make far greater trust bonds for new customers able to see this information.

Message 1 of 22
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Re: has ebay fixed the "manage make offer settings" yet? THIS SHOULD BE A PRIORITY!!!

Ebay has been adding Best Offer to listings for (mainly) small sellers for MONTHS.  You can't turn it off.  What you can do is edit the listing using the *advanced* editor and set the auto-decline (not auto-accept) to decline any offer below the value you enter. 


BTW, eBay is not sending the low offers, buyers are.


If a buyer threatens you with negative feedback in order to try to make you upgrade shipping or change the price, report them.  It's against the rules for them to do so.


Ebay is not going to change their stance on seller feedback  for buyers anytime soon and should just remove feedback entirely.


Member of the Grumpy Old Man crew
Message 2 of 22
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Re: has ebay fixed the "manage make offer settings" yet? THIS SHOULD BE A PRIORITY!!!

It appears ebay is adding the Best Offer option to fixed priced listings and auto relist if you are using the Quick Listing Tool.

To remove that option, go to My ebay > Sell > Active > More actions > Revise

You will now have to switch to the advanced listing form with more choices. That option is in the upper right corner. Once you switch, you will be able to scroll down and uncheck the Best Offer option and auto relist.

Volunteer Community Member

Message 3 of 22
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Re: has ebay fixed the "manage make offer settings" yet? THIS SHOULD BE A PRIORITY!!!

I do not think eBay is looking to fix this.  They announced this new feature more than a year ago.  Here is a link to the announcement  -  Click here


Sellers can auto-decline Best Offer requests through the Manage Offers feature:
Desktop: item page (view item) > Manage Offers > Change offer settings.


 also the last sentence says this  -  There are no plans to enable this feature for business sellers.


Good Luck Selling!

Message 4 of 22
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Re: has ebay fixed the "manage make offer settings" yet? THIS SHOULD BE A PRIORITY!!!

Set your auto accept/decline for what you will take.  Can be one penny less than the listing if you really don't want offers.  Problem solved.


Negative feedback for buyers was abused by sellers so they took it away; good buyers were often offended by false, retaliatory negs in response to the buyer's honest neg. 


Since you don't "meet your buyer" until the transaction is over, there is no need for a warning.  Auctions are sniped, fixed price is just bought.  Open your Unpaid Item disputes and close them if there is no payment, that gives the buyer a strike and get you your fees back.  Just two such strikes will keep the buyer from buying from most sellers, as they use that, the strictest block available.  


Jail time?  List fixed price, immediate payment required.  No more no pays.  Over 80% of all listings are fixed price, IPR.


You might find it disadvantageous to have what really happened out there for new buyers to see.  One advantage to the limit of 80 characters is that the complete account can't be given.  You might be amazed at what you would see, and it would not give buyers more confidence.  

Message 5 of 22
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Re: has ebay fixed the "manage make offer settings" yet? THIS SHOULD BE A PRIORITY!!!

yeah I am just venting, since until something better comes along and myspace's ebay the way facebook did, we are kinda stuck, and since I mostly liquidate and sell off the first runs of a company I have friends at, I can't really see moving to anything else, entirely, sadly. Maybe one day, we will see something new from someone that can avoid being bought out or other wise dethroned by those in a position to do so, like ebay/etsy/paypal. I found how to delete the make offer item, not tried raising the minimum allow or minimum to avoid an auto deny/reject, but I will try the next one they set me up with, to see if I can set it to the same price as my starting bid. just glad their auto relist, did not force me to do an auto starting bid lowering. I saw they tried to get that by but I unchecked that to avoid it. I am at the bargain bin bottom basement lowest price I can sell these items for already to get people to start bidding, anyway. Can't go any lower, especially when eBay takes a portion of the shipping money, so I have to dip into the payment money for the items, just to be able to ship these items to the buyers.

I want to also say, that the majority of the buyers have been awesome, it was just a hand full over the years that pulled stuff on me, and unfortunately it was pretty bad, thus I have never forgotten a single one of them, and always protect myself on every sale, to avoid these pitfalls anymore.

Also I have never spread the info on how they did it, online, as I do not want to feed those who are looking for loop holes to use on unsuspecting sellers/buyers, to use on them. Only talk in person directly to people I want to arm with the knowledge so they can protect themselves as a seller, or a buyer, from being defrauded.
Message 6 of 22
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Re: has ebay fixed the "manage make offer settings" yet? THIS SHOULD BE A PRIORITY!!!

"Set your auto accept/decline for what you will take.  Can be one penny less than the listing if you really don't want offers.  Problem solved."


All that's gonna do is make a lot of buyers really mad at the seller when any great offer they make  is auto-declined, most likely resulting in the buyer moving on and doing business with someone else.


It really makes me wonder if up there in the front office someone at ebay says, "Hey, let's see who can come up with the worst possible idea this week and try it out and see what happens. If it's so bad that it annoys the heck out of sellers and reduces the number of sales overall, then we'll think about making it permanent!"



Message 7 of 22
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Re: has ebay fixed the "manage make offer settings" yet? THIS SHOULD BE A PRIORITY!!!

@adkhighker wrote:

"Set your auto accept/decline for what you will take.  Can be one penny less than the listing if you really don't want offers.  Problem solved."


All that's gonna do is make a lot of buyers really mad at the seller when any great offer they make  is auto-declined, most likely resulting in the buyer moving on and doing business with someone else.


It really makes me wonder if up there in the front office someone at ebay says, "Hey, let's see who can come up with the worst possible idea this week and try it out and see what happens. If it's so bad that it annoys the heck out of sellers and reduces the number of sales overall, then we'll think about making it permanent!"



Shouldn't make anybody mad. Some sellers just list things at what they consider a great price, and can't go any lower. I guess if people want to get used to this sometimes unwanted feature they can raise their price for some wiggle room, but some of us don't want to go through the hassle and haggling. Some people are so not into that. Maybe I've lost buyers because of that, but most of my stuff does eventually sell for the listed price, which I always price competitively.

Message 8 of 22
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Re: has ebay fixed the "manage make offer settings" yet? THIS SHOULD BE A PRIORITY!!!

Right, but when ebay adds the Make Offer button on someone's listing withouth the seller's permission, and when it's on a listing where the seller already has a great price and can't go any lower, there are going to be all kinds of buyers wondering what's going on when they offer $99 on an item that's listed for $100 and their offer is refused. 

Message 9 of 22
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Re: has ebay fixed the "manage make offer settings" yet? THIS SHOULD BE A PRIORITY!!!

@adkhighker wrote:

Right, but when ebay adds the Make Offer button on someone's listing withouth the seller's permission, and when it's on a listing where the seller already has a great price and can't go any lower, there are going to be all kinds of buyers wondering what's going on when they offer $99 on an item that's listed for $100 and their offer is refused. 

Oh please spare me.  You know as well as every other user of this forum that the percentage of buyers who would actually make a 99 dollar offer on a 100 dollar fixed price listing is probably below one tenth of one percent.


It amazes me the level of imagination some users here in the forum go to because they want to try and make eBay look bad. 


Good Luck Selling!

Message 10 of 22
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Re: has ebay fixed the "manage make offer settings" yet? THIS SHOULD BE A PRIORITY!!!

FYI, just this morning I read on an outside forum where someone made 3 offers on a seller's item where BO was an option. The price was $79. The buyer first offered $65 and it was refused. No problem there. Then the same buyer offered $75. Again offer refused. Then he made his last offer of $78 just to see how "greedy" the seller was, and his last offer refused, obviously because the seller had to set the "manage offers" thing to auto-decline anything less than $79. So don't give me any of your "Oh please spare me" nonsense. 


What amazes me,  though, is the extent to which some of the cheerleaders will go to spread misinformation on this forum.

Message 11 of 22
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Re: has ebay fixed the "manage make offer settings" yet? THIS SHOULD BE A PRIORITY!!!

and next time maybe if you read the preceding posts I made you'd understand the point I was making with the offering $99 for a $100 item, when anyone else on this forum would know it was to make a point and not to suggest everyone goes around offering $99 for items listed at $100. Good grief.

Message 12 of 22
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Re: has ebay fixed the "manage make offer settings" yet? THIS SHOULD BE A PRIORITY!!!

@adkhighker wrote:

FYI, just this morning I read on an outside forum where someone made 3 offers on a seller's item where BO was an option. The price was $79. The buyer first offered $65 and it was refused. No problem there. Then the same buyer offered $75. Again offer refused. Then he made his last offer of $78 just to see how "greedy" the seller was, and his last offer refused, obviously because the seller had to set the "manage offers" thing to auto-decline anything less than $79. So don't give me any of your "Oh please spare me" nonsense. 


What amazes me,  though, is the extent to which some of the cheerleaders will go to spread misinformation on this forum.

I did not call you a disparaging name but I get it that your anger over someone disagreeing with your suggestion would raise your temperature at bit?


Your example is 25% lower then your suggestion, but since you just read about this very recently, perhaps you could include a link to show your providence and redeem your honor?


Good Luck Selling!

Message 13 of 22
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Re: has ebay fixed the "manage make offer settings" yet? THIS SHOULD BE A PRIORITY!!!

I can't believe you would want me to provide a link which would expose the ebay name of the buyer that I referred to in my example when everyone knows it's against ebay policy to do any such thing on this forum. Nice try, though!


Good Luck Selling!

Message 14 of 22
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Re: has ebay fixed the "manage make offer settings" yet? THIS SHOULD BE A PRIORITY!!!

"I want to also say, that the majority of the buyers have been awesome, it was just a hand full over the years that pulled stuff on me,"


Yup, that's the best way to look at it. All of us are bound to run into our share of bad buyers over the years, but when you compare the number of good ones to the bad ones, it makes it all seem worthwhile to keep on plugging away at it. No sense letting a few bad apples ruin a good thing. Best to you in your future ebay endeavors.

Message 15 of 22
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