12-09-2018 08:33 AM
Trust and Safety, how embarrassing for you! I've contacted (complained) to ebay's Trust and Safety about harassing messages from a user that I have Blocked. They haven’t bought anything from me, but they seem to be under the impression that they can do No wrong. The ebay user agreement means NOTHING to them and they are allowed to violate ebay's own contact policy. Sending me endless messages through the ebay messaging system is HARRASSMENT. The kicker is, I’m paying ebay $900 plus this month in selling fees, to be treated this way. I am a Top Rated seller. Been selling on ebay for over 20 years. Yet all that means nothing.
A blocked User still has unending power to send me daily emails/message through ebay….Harassing me. Yet I am told, there is nothing ebay can do and that I should, quote “Ignore them”. Yep, that’s the best ebay can do. What a sad state this is.
12-09-2018 08:37 AM
As you have blocked them, there will be a point at which they can no longer message you. It is either 60 days, or 90 days after you respond to them.
I know that does not make it better, but that seems to be the only choice, along with eBay instruction to ignore.
12-09-2018 08:40 AM
If they haven't bought anything then do this;
"By default, blocked buyers are still able to contact you about your listings. If you don't want buyers blocked by your requirements to contact you, select Don't allow blocked buyers to contact you in Site Preferences. (They may still be able to get in touch with you if it's about an existing transaction). Then select Submit."
12-09-2018 08:41 AM - edited 12-09-2018 08:41 AM
I am sorry you are going through this, but the block should kick in eventually. I know it is no consolation but buyers go through this as well; not just the harassment, but abuse, hostility, and profanity. So there are bad buyers and bad sellers.
Hopefully they will tire of this and move on and leave you alone soon. Please don't let it get you down.
12-09-2018 09:17 AM
@toon-city wrote:The kicker is, I’m paying ebay $900 plus this month in selling fees, to be treated this way. I am a Top Rated seller. Been selling on ebay for over 20 years. Yet all that means nothing.
That is correct, all that means nothing.
12-09-2018 09:19 AM
12-09-2018 09:23 AM
@step22-51 wrote:
You are an adult with free will. You don't have to read the messages.
I agree, don't read them. People like this want attention, so don't give them any.
12-09-2018 10:02 AM
I hate to break it to you but that buyer can just keep creating new accounts and still be allowed to contact and buy from you on ebay. It doesn't matter about your blocks.
12-09-2018 10:30 AM
I am sincerely sorry this is happening to you. I've experienced it myself. However calling and reporting them to Ebay worked for me, well eventually.
My first contact with Ebay resulted in them emailing the buyer and asking them to stop since my requests had fallen on deaf ears.
The buyer waited a few days and started up again. I called Ebay again, Ebay apparently issued a stronger warning to the buyer.
A few days passed, the darn buyer emailed yet again. I called Ebay. That buyer stopped after that. I don't know what EBay did, if they sanctioned them or what. But it stopped and that was what was important.
I suggest you call again. Ebay will stop this. But as we have said many times on many threads, it sometimes takes a few phone calls to get an issue addressed as you are dependent on the quality of CSR you get connected with.
If you call again and it still doesn't work, come on back and tell us. Maybe there is something else we can suggest.
12-09-2018 12:21 PM
12-09-2018 02:28 PM
We used to have a "report" feature on ebay messages for when you got one that was totally inappropriate (trying to buy off ebay, or scammer message ..please send to my (niece, nephew, grandmother etc. ) for their (first communion, wedding, graduation, etc. ) or the latest of "my father just had a heart attack, and I have to go attend to him. Please ship to changed address ....yada yada.
Again we used to have a report feature for such nonsense. It has been removed. Since it has been removed, it indicates to me that ebay no longer wants to hear about such.