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ebay really needs to step up

ebay really needs to start going after the people listing a $5 pack of toilet paper for $60! they are trying to rip people off! last i talked to ebay they were considering not allowing it like they did with the hand sanitizer for this very reason! I think it just goes to show what a sad state this country is in when people do stuff like  this

Message 1 of 44
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ebay really needs to step up

Listen, Do I think its a **bleep** thing thing to do? Yes. But you should mind your own business. Much more important things to worry about.

Message 2 of 44
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ebay really needs to step up



The sellers have been warned and they are trying to remove the listings.

When you see a listing, use the report item link.




Have a great day.
Message 3 of 44
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ebay really needs to step up

If you sell a $100 generator for $1000 during a hurricane because people need power, that is price gouging.


If you sell a $100 amulet for $1000 during a hurricane because people believe it protects them from wind demons, is that price gouging? I think not.


Toilet paper has as much to do with Covid-19 as does sandpaper (sorry for the visual). I am against profiteering to the core, but no judge in the country is going to find someone guilty of price gouging because they sold voodoo dolls at a 1000% markup during an emergency because people thought they would protect them from bad spirits. No jury would either.

Message 4 of 44
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ebay really needs to step up

I am at a loss as to why TP is being listed at such prices, and what the need is for it in relation to the current crisis.


Checked earlier today, and I could order online, and have it delivered to my home if so inclined.  Did not need to order any, as we always have a supply on hand. We don't live close to stores, and purchase many items when on sale, and keep a stock of such essentials on hand.

Message 5 of 44
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ebay really needs to step up

@jay8904 wrote:

ebay really needs to start going after the people listing a $5 pack of toilet paper for $60! they are trying to rip people off! 

eBay has not banned toilet paper sales.


Toilet paper is not essential for protecting yourself from coronavirus. 


If people are so desperate that they choose to pay $60 instead of just buying kleenex, then Darwin was right. 

Message 6 of 44
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ebay really needs to step up

@jay8904 wrote:

ebay really needs to start going after the people listing a $5 pack of toilet paper for $60! they are trying to rip people off! last i talked to ebay they were considering not allowing it like they did with the hand sanitizer for this very reason! I think it just goes to show what a sad state this country is in when people do stuff like  this

I'm fairly sure there a good chance that a lot of people are reading this forum, and others like it and just shaking their heads at all the outrage being poured into the ether.  And, all the while they are thinking to themselves that they deserve to have the money to make their family and themselves safe, warm, healthy, and have the good things in life, just like anybody else.


There are a lot of people in the world and many of them have their own interests at heart.  Every person has their own agenda and it will seldom match up with the agenda of another.


(personal opinion - your mileage may vary)

Not saying 'NO' doesn't mean 'YES'.

The foolishness of one's actions or words is determined by the number of witnesses.

Perhaps if Brains were described as an APP, many people would use them more often.

Respect, like money, is only of 'worth' when it is earned - with all due respect, it can not be ordained, legislated or coerced. Anonymous
Message 7 of 44
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ebay really needs to step up

Honestly I wonder why eBay would even care. So far, as far as I can tell eBay only cares if it hurts their reputation in a way that hurts their bottom line, Amazon is doing it so they have to copy Amazon, or it hurts the buyers in a way that causes the buyers to complain.

Overall eBay is quite content ripping off small businesses or the wrong minorities that sell on their site. eBay only seems to develop morals when their own money is at stake.
Message 8 of 44
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ebay really needs to step up

I am actually see it prices at thousands of dollars a roll because store are empty of it. In my state it is listed as an item that is essential when an emergency is declared like water or medicine so eBay needs to step up and get rid of these listings or they could be in a legal fight. eBay does have a sale tax license so my state can enforce the laws on them by taking it away and they couldn't do business because of this and due to the Supreme Court ruling around 1.5 years ago.
Message 9 of 44
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ebay really needs to step up

I was on another site where a 12 pack of toilet paper was $300.  There is price gouging on anything that people believe is a necessity and they think they can sell.  Our local stores are now limiting purchases of water, toilet paper, cleaning products, non perishable foods, and such.  We know that people were coming to our local stores from out of town to make purchases because nothing was available in theirs. We are 50 miles north of LA.  My sister's son drove up from LA to get water from us as he couldn't get there.  The only reason why we have anything is because we bought in bulk back in February before the crisis hit and then when my brother passed recently from heart disease we took all of his.


The gouging won't stop unless the buyers don't buy as I don't think eBay can take down all these listings.

Message 10 of 44
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ebay really needs to step up

"Toilet paper is not essential for protecting yourself from coronavirus. "

Perhaps not, but when you are in the age danger zone and have decided to ride it out at home, TP is very necessary. It's like having adequate food on hand, it will also not protect from a virus, but you need it to live.

Message 11 of 44
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ebay really needs to step up



Not a direct correlation but people are panicking.


My daughter was looking at baby wipes on Amazon because there aren’t any in the store, and they sold out when she blinked. I’m only barely exaggerating. She cried.


Then we went to the base commissary, and the parking lot was full and inside was packed with everyone’s cart packed to overflowing.


Half the shelves, produce, and even the fresh meat cases were empty. Posted signs didn’t even promise a restocking date only “anticipated on the 17th”. The only way to get milk was multiple half quarts, larger sizes were gone. Bananas and potatoes were gone.

That’s DAYS away.


She cried again she was so overwhelmed. I’m glad I was there to help her figure out a logical week or two of food from what was left.


Then we got word the Pentagon had banned military travel, and her husband is stationed away. He’s supposed to be back the week she’s due, but the new ban goes until a month past that.


ALL of it, EVERYTHING is connected. Now she’s worried there will be a run on shampoo next. Why not? There isn’t a regular bar of soap or Clorox wipe to be found.

Message 12 of 44
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ebay really needs to step up

Soup.  How about cans of soup?  If i start selling cans of soup for $100 will i be price gouging?

Sea Of Love - The Honeydrippers
Message 13 of 44
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ebay really needs to step up

If my father was still alive, he would be shaking his head.  He would say, "Here's a year supply, Dumb@$$!"   as he hit you in the head with a Sears catalog...🤠

Message 14 of 44
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ebay really needs to step up

toilet paper, paper towels are getting out of whack on here. JMO get rid of the sellers selling these items and wanting to give refunds to the customers. This is **bleep**. Is EBAY ever going to do anything..

Message 15 of 44
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