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ebay raised fees to 13.25 percent.

ebay raised fees to 13.25 percent. Ebay is getting greedy.   and of course Etsy will follow suit.     Guess the ol post on FB is an alternative.   You know I wouldn't object so much if EBAY went back to payment going instantly to paypal.   NO they make you wait or if you want immediate payment, guess what.    YOU GOTTA PAY FOR IT.

Message 1 of 56
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Re: ebay raised fees to 13.25 percent.

@estate_echoes wrote:


@fashunu4eeuh wrote:

eBay is getting greedy?


Why is there $175 shipping fee on 4 Hot Wheel miniature toys (shipped from Indiana to my location in Texas)?

Sometimes when doing detective work it helps to be a little more thorough. It is a whole race "set".  As the listing states, and shows, its a very large box and the cars ship in a separate box. Concern about safe shipping, multiple boxes with signature confirmation and insurance, shipping materials, time, oversize surcharge, etc could easily put the package in that area.  At least you asked about it, unlike others. 

Agreed, @huedezz . An important observation i will take to heart, and will send an apology to the OP.

Though the extent of the set was not understood, my point still remains when one accounts for size and weight. The OPโ€™s competition that is selling the same set are able to ship it to me for substantially lessโ€” $150 less from Minnesota to Texas, for $100 less from New York, and so on. Not a scientific analysis (the OP may be a far more careful conscientious packer) but the appearance of excessive shipping is not dispelled by the facts. And it could likely give prospective buyers pause as another poster mentioned upthread.


I would make changes to the listing to attempt to offset that notion. Even though the buyer is ostensibly aware of size, many shoppers are not clued in to the reality of shipping costs.


Perhaps showing an entire set in the gallery photo, including the box and tracks, and listing the weight and dimensions of the package in the description field might help. The OP could elaborate on his existing  generic sentence that reads โ€œwill ship IN a big box, snug and the cars will be shipped SEPARATE becuase I don't want them to be inside the original box.โ€ 

Message 31 of 56
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Re: ebay raised fees to 13.25 percent.


Many apologies to you for my not grasping that your set was a large Hot Wheel universe and not 4 cars. Please pardon my blunder. It was an inexcusable oversight and you deserved my full understanding and not some knee-jerk reaction. I am sorry.

Message 32 of 56
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Re: ebay raised fees to 13.25 percent.

@johnrj1226 wrote:

Haven't  sold on eBay for about 4  years.  But I do recall the eBay/paypal fee fees frm prior  years - the were 10% eBay FVF  plus Pay Pal Fee of 2.9% + a  non refundable transaction..  Pay Pal money processioning fees are currently 2.99% plus 49ยข per  transaction.  And  eBay  increase the monthly Free listings to 250 free per month.  No store fee required.


Actually when I start selling on eBay  on Jan 2010 the  total fees were very  similar the  seller fees were a bit higher as you  had to pay for each listing the amount increased based, the selling price - it  started a 35 cent/listing and  up to $!9.99 had to pay for  every picture over 1 free  per listing - averaged  5 pics per listing.@ 10 cent per each  extra photos or 40 cents extra.

Do the math and put  your pencil/calculator to work and  make a comparison  from 15 years ago to today eBay fees.   Lots  of pluses and minuses  has happened.

Oh backing  in 2010 - eggs, milk, hamburger, loaf of bread, gasoline, motel room, hamburger and Dollar Tree stuff was just a buck - 2 bits higher or 25% increase cost  were way more reasonable (including Goodwill stuff).  Time will always change  most every thing except those dam Sweet Gum trees.

I miss those frequent seemingly 1.5 million free listing promotions they were always running for a while and being able to get that 10% Top Rated discount by doing a quarter of the work required nowadays. You know, back in the day when things actually sold.   /s.



Message 33 of 56
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Re: ebay raised fees to 13.25 percent.

@fashunu4eeuh wrote:


Many apologies to you for my not grasping that your set was a large Hot Wheel universe and not 4 cars. Please pardon my blunder. It was an inexcusable oversight and you deserved my full understanding and not some knee-jerk reaction. I am sorry.

I too did not notice that and should have.  I do apology for what I said regarding the what appears to be a high shipping rate @huedezz .  I do still think it is high, but certainly NOT what I thought was just those cars shipping.  My apologies!!

mam98031  โ€ข  Volunteer Community Member  โ€ข  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 34 of 56
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Re: ebay raised fees to 13.25 percent.

@estate_echoes wrote:

I miss those frequent seemingly 1.5 million free listing promotions they were always running for a while and being able to get that 10% Top Rated discount by doing a quarter of the work required nowadays. You know, back in the day when things actually sold.   /s.

I too miss the days that things seemed to sell faster than they do now.  But back then we didn't have do many listings to compete with.  


At the end of 2014 there were about 800 million active listings on Ebay.


As of 2025 we are just under 2 BILLION active listings.


Of course not all in the categories you or I sell in, but still a huge increase that has to be affecting all of us.

mam98031  โ€ข  Volunteer Community Member  โ€ข  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 35 of 56
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Re: ebay raised fees to 13.25 percent.


"I have the right to remain silent but I didn't have the ability." Ron White, Fritch, Texas
"Stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution." A. Einstein
"The Devil made me do it!" - Flip Wilson
"If the band can only play loud - they ain't no good - peps too!" J.R. Johnson
Message 36 of 56
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Re: ebay raised fees to 13.25 percent.

They could be full-size cars in a super big display box. ๐Ÿ™ƒ

Message 37 of 56
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Re: ebay raised fees to 13.25 percent.

@mam98031 wrote:

@huedezz wrote:

  Its an entire vintage set and the box is huge and heavy.   The shipping price includes the cars. Nice way to twist my auction to justify your comment.

It isn't an "auction", it is a Fixed price Listing.


You have one Auction and that is for those two Pins.


Of course the shipping should include the cars.  You are selling the cars on that listing along with the rest of the set.  Why you feel you need to ship the cars separately is interesting.  You could pack them securely with the rest of the set if you wanted too.


How heavy is this car set?

Lots of value in the cars. Which are usually missing or banged up. Buyers frequently ask that they be shipped separately as they are fragile and there usually isnt much room left in the box for packing  materials. Heaviness isnt the problem it's the size which makes it billable at a 90 pound rate when you are an inch over. But likely able to get the shipping box down in size with little creativity based on shipping price comps of similar items. I always supported the set box by framing the interior with cardboard and made custom 3 ply cardboard shipping boxes which would only add 2" to the dimensions of the box. You could stand on the thing. Furniture store cardboard dumpster diving is a big help. 

Message 38 of 56
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Re: ebay raised fees to 13.25 percent.

That's what surprised me, At first i thought there was another new increase, but no the same one implemented awhile ago.

Message 39 of 56
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Re: ebay raised fees to 13.25 percent.

@mam98031 wrote:

@estate_echoes wrote:

I miss those frequent seemingly 1.5 million free listing promotions they were always running for a while and being able to get that 10% Top Rated discount by doing a quarter of the work required nowadays. You know, back in the day when things actually sold.   /s.

I too miss the days that things seemed to sell faster than they do now.  But back then we didn't have do many listings to compete with.  


At the end of 2014 there were about 800 million active listings on Ebay.


As of 2025 we are just under 2 BILLION active listings.


Of course not all in the categories you or I sell in, but still a huge increase that has to be affecting all of us.

The fee increases while simultaneously requiring you to work harder and suffer more always made me laugh. I always dreamed of a day where there would be a fee increase and things made better. 


Wonder what percentage of listings are those staying under the minimum of tax reporting, and if the reduction down to 600 in a couple years, provided it actually happens, will have any positive effect.

Message 40 of 56
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Re: ebay raised fees to 13.25 percent.

Those were few an  far between and a selected group received them  Most were less than 34 digits all were time limited - some were auction only other fixed price and  other both a limited time period like 7 to 10 days.

That  10%  for a TRS seller was 10% of  the eBay selling fees  a seller paid in at then end of the month   =   not a major make a significant  difference unless one sold  big  buck stuff.

Looks like stuff is  still selling on eBay

- this info make for a clearer picture. 


Hint & Suggestion -  You have 880 items listed -  After paging  20 pages or so  it seems you have 100%  of them as auctions with  very few bid  none with multiple bids.    Think I would strongly consider changed to fixed price -  I for one pass on bids when I'm shopping - I ain't got the time to  play the bidding game especially if I am int the eastern time zone on the seller is out west anywhere else -  tried auction listing = close to  zero   sales - no bid run ups

"I have the right to remain silent but I didn't have the ability." Ron White, Fritch, Texas
"Stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution." A. Einstein
"The Devil made me do it!" - Flip Wilson
"If the band can only play loud - they ain't no good - peps too!" J.R. Johnson
Message 41 of 56
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Re: ebay raised fees to 13.25 percent.

The value of the cars I don't think have even been questioned here.  Besides the results of the auction will prove what is the price buyers are willing to pay.


As for the shipping.  One would hope that the seller is putting this item into a larger box with protection all around it.  Those cars would not take up much room even when they are well protected.  So shipping them separately to me seems unnecessary and just exposes the seller to extra peril if that separate package gets lost.


How big would the box be?  I've asked the OP, but they haven't answered what the size of the packing box and estimated weight would be. 

mam98031  โ€ข  Volunteer Community Member  โ€ข  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 42 of 56
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Re: ebay raised fees to 13.25 percent.

@fashunu4eeuh wrote:

Agreed, @huedezz . An important observation i will take to heart, and will send an apology to the OP.

Though the extent of the set was not understood, my point still remains when one accounts for size and weight. The OPโ€™s competition that is selling the same set are able to ship it to me for substantially lessโ€” $150 less from Minnesota to Texas, for $100 less from New York, and so on. Not a scientific analysis (the OP may be a far more careful conscientious packer) but the appearance of excessive shipping is not dispelled by the facts. And it could likely give prospective buyers pause as another poster mentioned upthread.


I would make changes to the listing to attempt to offset that notion. Even though the buyer is ostensibly aware of size, many shoppers are not clued in to the reality of shipping costs.


Perhaps showing an entire set in the gallery photo, including the box and tracks, and listing the weight and dimensions of the package in the description field might help. The OP could elaborate on his existing  generic sentence that reads โ€œwill ship IN a big box, snug and the cars will be shipped SEPARATE becuase I don't want them to be inside the original box.โ€ 

Agreed. I basically said all that in other posts. Same set shipped CA to NY at $40. Can likely be packed safely at a smaller size to avoid the oversized charge. 





Message 43 of 56
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Re: ebay raised fees to 13.25 percent.

@estate_echoes wrote:

@mam98031 wrote:

@estate_echoes wrote:

I miss those frequent seemingly 1.5 million free listing promotions they were always running for a while and being able to get that 10% Top Rated discount by doing a quarter of the work required nowadays. You know, back in the day when things actually sold.   /s.

I too miss the days that things seemed to sell faster than they do now.  But back then we didn't have do many listings to compete with.  


At the end of 2014 there were about 800 million active listings on Ebay.


As of 2025 we are just under 2 BILLION active listings.


Of course not all in the categories you or I sell in, but still a huge increase that has to be affecting all of us.

The fee increases while simultaneously requiring you to work harder and suffer more always made me laugh. I always dreamed of a day where there would be a fee increase and things made better. 


Wonder what percentage of listings are those staying under the minimum of tax reporting, and if the reduction down to 600 in a couple years, provided it actually happens, will have any positive effect.

"The fee increases while simultaneously requiring you to work harder and suffer more always made me laugh."  YOU the seller sets how hard you work.  The seller decides what they are going to sell and how many listings they are going to run.  That has NOTHING to do with the fees charged.  And you are taking issue with a very modest increase in FVFs, the FIRST one in most categories in FIVE years.  To say I'm amazed is a complete understatement.   And I have no idea by what you are referring to regarding the use of the word "suffer".  What is causing you to "suffer" and why?


The threshold on a FORM, which is on the 1099K is, has NEVER set the threshold for reporting income to the IRS.  NEVER, it is a FORM and nothing more than a FORM.  Unless you think that the minimum threshold on the dozen or more other types of a 1099 Form also set the threshold for reporting your income to the IRS.  If that is the case, we are all likely in trouble because the minimum threshold on a 1099INT is $10.00.  


Why anyone EVER thought that the minimum threshold on the 1099K also doubled as the minimum threshold for reporting income I do not understand.  The form doesn't say that, the IRS doesn't say that nor does any of the publications state that.  


Myth: If taxpayers didn't receive a Form 1099-K, they don't have to report income.
Fact: According to federal law, all income is taxable unless it is specifically excluded by tax law. Taxpayers should report any profits from selling goods or services, regardless of if they receive a Form 1099-K.




mam98031  โ€ข  Volunteer Community Member  โ€ข  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 44 of 56
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Re: ebay raised fees to 13.25 percent.

I think ebay is just trying like every business to adjust to a totally new business climate. Like any big stockholder owned business you have 123, #1 Stockholders #2 Buyers #3 Sellers. Ebay sees the buyer climate,  they have to make a balanced decision to split the cost and it's 123, us as small sellers have to make the same decision #1 Financials #2 Buyers #3 Sellers. Your financials are your main objective, your buyers are your life, other sellers squat. If you cannot beat your competition and have a comfortable margin, re-evaluate. 

I wish everyone of us small sellers the best as it seems us #3 people are always taking the worst of it.

Message 45 of 56
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