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eBay as a Payment service vs Paypal



Recently, eBay haacqange my Paymentmethod from PayPal to themselves and my first impression is that it's lacking. It's slow, does not send any cash updates, etc. It's two-step backwards than Paypal but the fee cost higher for the reduced service. I can't find a way to reset the payment method back to Paypal or if it's over offered. As a practice, I will not ship a product or prepare a shipping label until I'm credited in my account. I never had this issue with paypal, money got into the account and made available, now, the money is in limbo and being told that it may take several days to process, which is unaceptable. Am I missing something? Can I get back to my Paypal method? Thanks

Message 1 of 28
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eBay as a Payment service vs Paypal

No, PayPal is no long an option for eBay sellers. As to shipping labels, you can change your payment method to your pending funds on the label purchase page. Once you change it, it will default to it from then on. Also, if eBay says it's OK to ship, ship. I've never heard of anyone not getting paid after eBay says it's OK.

Oh, and many, many users have expressed their dislike of the new system, but it is what it is. No going back.

Never sell anything on eBay that you can't afford to lose.
Message 2 of 28
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eBay as a Payment service vs Paypal

Not applicable

@tonymarg123 wrote:

Can I get back to my Paypal method? 

No. The relationship between eBay and PayPal was severed in 2015. The contract for PayPal as a payment service for sellers expired and was not renewed so unfortunately impossible.

Message 3 of 28
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eBay as a Payment service vs Paypal

Unfortunately, it doesn't matter what eBay says, unless I have the cash on hand, I will not ship. It's a accountng thing for me. I'll just add a comment in my selling posts about any shipping delay based on ebay payment processing delays from their previous methodologies. Thanks.

Message 4 of 28
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eBay as a Payment service vs Paypal

Not applicable

@tonymarg123 wrote:

Unfortunately, it doesn't matter what eBay says, unless I have the cash on hand, I will not ship. It's a accountng thing for me. I'll just add a comment in my selling posts about any shipping delay based on ebay payment processing delays from their previous methodologies. Thanks.

You'll also need to increase your handling time.

Message 5 of 28
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eBay as a Payment service vs Paypal


Message 6 of 28
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eBay as a Payment service vs Paypal

You can access your shipping from the pending funds so you are not fronting shipping.


Handling time often greatly impacts a Buyer's purchase decision.


We enrolled in MP last October.  Have had zero issues getting paid and we have a 1-day handling on most listings.


Set your payouts to Daily.  M-F you will receive a payout from e-Bay.  Takes about 2 weeks to get into a daily rhythm of payouts each day.  Good luck!

....... "The Ranger isn't gonna like it Yogi"......... Boo-Boo knew what he was talking about!

Posting ID Only.......
Yes, I have no Bananas, only Flamethrowers.......
Message 7 of 28
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eBay as a Payment service vs Paypal

@tonymarg123 wrote:

Unfortunately, it doesn't matter what eBay says, unless I have the cash on hand, I will not ship. It's a accountng thing for me. I'll just add a comment in my selling posts about any shipping delay based on ebay payment processing delays from their previous methodologies. Thanks.

I don't think eaby is going to let you have the cash until after they are certain you will follow through on your end, it's not you, it's all the sellers who came before you.  Also we're selling on their venue so it's their rules.

Message 8 of 28
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eBay as a Payment service vs Paypal

I've been an eBay member for years, if that's their tack, I can easily sell on Amazon. We'll see. Thxs.

Message 9 of 28
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eBay as a Payment service vs Paypal

What is MP?

Message 10 of 28
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eBay as a Payment service vs Paypal

Managed Payments


And the hold time on the River is longer.  There is no daily ACH

....... "The Ranger isn't gonna like it Yogi"......... Boo-Boo knew what he was talking about!

Posting ID Only.......
Yes, I have no Bananas, only Flamethrowers.......
Message 11 of 28
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eBay as a Payment service vs Paypal


Forget Paypal. It's gone and it's not coming back.

Message 12 of 28
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eBay as a Payment service vs Paypal

     When you moved to Managed Payments the financial processing switched from PayPal to eBay/Adyen and there is no way to reverse that back to PayPal. IMHO one of the worst moves eBay ever made was changing the financial processing for the sellers from PayPal to Adyen. Buyers are still able to pay with PayPal, along with several new options under MP.

     The fees are about the same but the processing time has shifted from the instant PayPal fund availability to the delayed Adyen process and there is no getting around that. It's not so much eBay/Adyen causing the lag as it was PayPal fronting the funds to the sellers before they actually had received the funds. In essence PayPal was advancing the funds on their accounts receivable. I have been on MP since January and ship the items once the buyer has paid although the funds are still in process and have had no problems. I pay for the shipping out of the pending funds and am setup to receive funding transfers on a daily basis as soon as the transaction has cleared with the buyers financial institution. 

     I have noticed several sellers are holding shipment until the funds are actually received but this requires buffering the handling time by several days which may turn off some buyers. There is little risk in shipping while the funds are being processed since it would be detrimental to the buyers account if the transaction failed. Sort of like writing a bad check. 

Message 13 of 28
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eBay as a Payment service vs Paypal

@tonymarg123 wrote:

Unfortunately, it doesn't matter what eBay says, unless I have the cash on hand, I will not ship. It's a accountng thing for me. I'll just add a comment in my selling posts about any shipping delay based on ebay payment processing delays from their previous methodologies. Thanks.

Up to you of course, but no doubt we will see you back here later complaining about INR's and/or slow sales.

Buyers should not have to be inconvenienced because a seller does not understand how the system works.

I have been imported from Australia and this is my posting ID
Message 14 of 28
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eBay as a Payment service vs Paypal

The seller fully understands how the system works, and why the seller changes inefficient marketplaces. This action places eBay in that inefficient category. Moreover, it will probably kill Paypal, too. Remember, both require sales from profit and competition is stiff. Thanks foer your input.

Message 15 of 28
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