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eBay account has been restricted from selling

Guys. I need your help. I got this message on nov 18 


I contact eBay Center Many times and always says It Final Decision 



We wanted to let you know that your account has been permanently restricted from selling because of activity we believe was putting the eBay community at risk. We understand this must be frustrating, and please know that our decision was not made lightly. Measures like this help keep our marketplace safe for everyone. Learn more about how and why accounts can be restricted.


Here’s what you should know

You will no longer be able to use your account to sell on eBay and any new accounts you set up may also be restricted. 

If you have any listings, they’ve been removed and can be viewed below. - Any fees paid or payable for listings that are ended and/or hidden from search will not be refunded or otherwise credited to your account.

You can still bid on and buy items from other sellers.

If you have any questions or concerns, or think we’ve made a mistake, please get in touch. We’re here to help. 

Message 1 of 34
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Re: eBay account has been restricted from selling

Dropshipping.  Electronics.  Claiming to be a U.S. seller when you are not.  All those are high risk red flags.  No chance of being allowed to sell here again.


One of your listings:


Screenshot from 2022-12-02 17-45-28.png

Message 16 of 34
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Re: eBay account has been restricted from selling

You asked ( and I'm paraphrasing)... What can you show as evidence, ie; receipts and to whom to be reinstated?


Other posters here picked up on details I missed. It doesn't look like any amount of evidence on your part will help you, unfortunately. 


They had enough evidence against you to terminate your selling account. Didn't you receive any warnings or suspensions before this? 

Message 17 of 34
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Re: eBay account has been restricted from selling

They didn't ask for anything and they didn't give me anything, what they said is that they can't reinstate my account because it seems to be very high risk. What should I do brother?

Message 18 of 34
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Re: eBay account has been restricted from selling

That Dell product is from Amazon and that Skullcandy is from eBay that is my supplier


Thanks God

Thank you bro

Message 19 of 34
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Re: eBay account has been restricted from selling

@sidwalkstreet wrote:

That Dell product is from Amazon and that Skullcandy is from eBay that is my supplier


Thanks God

Thank you bro

That is your problem.

For some......It seems wisdom has been chasing you, but you have always been faster.
Message 20 of 34
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Re: eBay account has been restricted from selling

@sidwalkstreet wrote:

They didn't ask for anything and they didn't give me anything, what they said is that they can't reinstate my account because it seems to be very high risk. What should I do brother?



There's nothing to do, but find another place to sell.


Why are you claiming to be a US seller, when you're not?

Have a great day.
Message 21 of 34
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Re: eBay account has been restricted from selling


That doesn't mean they're authentic.  Lots of un-authentic merchandise all over the e commerce platform and since you were drop shipping, you cannot prove otherwise. 


Good luck with new career opportunities. 

Message 22 of 34
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Re: eBay account has been restricted from selling

No. My problem, i can't reinstate my account 

Message 23 of 34
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Re: eBay account has been restricted from selling

I think it is ok but not. I'm new seller brother 

Message 24 of 34
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Re: eBay account has been restricted from selling

@sidwalkstreet wrote:

No. My problem, i can't reinstate my account 

OK. I'll be the bad guy here.


Do you understand what eBay and we here are telling you?



You. Are. Done. Here. Finished.



Re-read that as many times as  it takes to understand that you are done here. There is no coming back from what you did. There is no reinstating your account. It isn't our problem, eBay's problem, my problem, or anyone's problem. The final answer are finished. PERMANENTLY. Understand?


I'm sorry to be so blunt.


You screwed up big time.

There is no "fixing" this.

There is no other way around this.


Ebay has a big enough problem with scam buyers without having to deal with problem sellers on top of it. That is the reason that once red flags went up, you got banned.

And I am sorry about that if it helps any.


Firesteel Surplus


Message 25 of 34
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Re: eBay account has been restricted from selling

And let me add....


If they let you have your buying account yet, I'd be tickled pink.


If I ever screw up bad enough to get my account locked out permanently but they let me buy yet...I'd be triple tickled pink.


Firesteel Surplus


Message 26 of 34
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Re: eBay account has been restricted from selling

eBay is not going to tell you specifically what you did wrong. 

It's not like there's a training ground where if you do something wrong they help you fix it and give you another chance.

Some items they will remove for listing violations and if you correct it you get a second chance. Some listings that have too many violations can end your selling here forever. It was not a mistake to claim US Seller. You knew that was an outright lie. That puts the community at risk. A buyer sees US Seller and they have no reason to believe otherwise and when they find out you're not a US seller they feel duped and that runs buyers off. They feel like they can't trust sellers here.  


I'm sorry but there's no fixing that restriction. There are other auction sites and I wish you well.


Tip: Only buy your products from authorized distributors because other sites probably have the same rules.

Message 27 of 34
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Re: eBay account has been restricted from selling

@fab_finds4u wrote:



Tip: Only buy your products from authorized distributors because other sites probably have the same rules.

And keep items ON HAND and don't ever drop ship.


I'm guessing what is happening with a lot of these sellers is that they are getting these get rich quick "kits" for $99.99 "AS ADVERTISED ON TV!" "YOU CAN MAKE THOUSAND$$$$ A MONTH SITTING IN YOUR RECLINER FROM YOUR COMPUTER!!!! VERY LITTLE TRAINING REQUIRED!!!! NO STOCK NEEDED!!! Then getting a list of drop shippers, toss an ebay ad together from the "training material"and then wait for the money to come rolling in.


And then it's all downhill from there into a big dark hole never to get out of.

But that is just a guess.


Maybe I should go out and find one and buy it and see if my assumptions are kee-rect. Then maybe start my own drop shipping ebay biz and make THOUSAND$$$$$ A MONTH FROM MY RECLINER!!!


But I don't own a recliner. Anyone have one I can borrow?



Firesteel Surplus



Message 28 of 34
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Re: eBay account has been restricted from selling

I also have the same experience I always discuss the details of the transactions with the customers and Ebay. I always check the account even if it is a small omission and discuss it with ebay. this I hope I will get a good result so Don't give up your efforts Keep in touch with them and communicate with them regularly. Do it and you will get a positive answer

Message 29 of 34
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Re: eBay account has been restricted from selling

Glory to God.  Thank you bro. 

I communicate ebay help center and chat live? 

Message 30 of 34
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