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eBay Trust & Safety Team Investigation Repost #3 Opinions Please

I keep having this post taken down by eBay, I'm going to continue posting it indefinitely until eBay refunds my money & gives me my seller accounts back. I've attached around 1/10th of the emails I've received from their back office team. This is about the most repulsive thing I've ever dealt with.


I started selling on eBay back in 2004, & my account had 272 100% Positive Feedback Until October 2017, & I broke my back, which tore my Spinal Cord. I was in the hospital for 6 months over that. I had my account hacked, & someone sold 3 iPhones on my @gma_452001 account leaving me with 3 negative feedback. My seller performance is still above Standard on that account, & my account @jrm_performance, which I opened in 2020. I started selling on my second account in 2023, & I was starting to get decent sales. I found out the hard way that once you sell an item over $750, prepare for submitting countless documents to eBays back-office team, which I found out isn’t even connected to eBay, they just contract out to them. You cannot call them, & you have wait at least 72 hours per submission to hear back from them. All they are good for is asking for more documentation.


The Back Office Team made me Submit Proof of Bank Address, Proof of EIN, Certificate of Good Standing with the State of Arkansas, Proof of purchases for every Item that I had ever Listed, & Proof of Bank Statements for the Purchases. All of the mentioned submissions were separate, & I had to wait 72 hours then submit more documentation each time. After submitting the Bank Statements, their back-office team indefinitely suspended my account, because they then found my @gma_452001 account that had been hacked in 2017.


I then was told by 3 different eBay Reps in the Trust in Safety Department, that if I submitted documentation showing that I was hospitalized in 2017, that they would reinstate both of my seller accounts. After MULTIPLE submissions, & 32 days’ worth of submissions, eBays back-office team indefinitely suspended my @gma_452001 account, stating that I was a risk to the community. I find that very offensive on a legendary level. eBay has more nude photos for sell than on porn hub. eBay also charged me $27.95 for an upgraded store, even after shutting down my store over 30 days ago. They also INSTANTLY refunded a buyer $199.98, because he claimed that he didn’t receive the storage drive that I sent him, 10 days after the fact that it was delivered according the USPS. No investigation done or anything, since my account was restricted, eBay just refunded their money back, stealing $199.98 from me. They also haven’t paid for Wilwood Brake Fluid that I sold, & owe me $78 for that. THANKFULLY I had a supervisor tell me to refund the $3,400 Wilwood Brake Kit that I sold, which started all of this non-sense. The supervisor feared that eBay would never pay me for that, & I’d be out the $3,400 as well. I’ve been selling on Walmart, Amazon, my website, Shopify, Facebook Market Place, Instagram, TIKTOK, & other similar platforms. None have treated me this poorly. Like I said, both of my accounts show above standard, & are both close to 100% positive feedback. My @jrm_performance is 100% Positive. Keep in mind eBay Reps told me that has nothing to do it. CLEARLY! My advice to everyone, I would save your time & avoid eBay at all costs. They are not a Company that I would do business with.


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Message 1 of 90
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eBay Trust & Safety Team Investigation Repost #3 Opinions Please

Apology accepted, your anger is misdirected, but understandable. My friend went to court with Ebays team of lawyers(she called them sharks), so I wish you good luck with that too.I have been selling here for twenty five years, and Ive heard lots of horror stories of Ebays legal team.


“Never pick a fight with an ugly person. They don’t have anything to lose.” ~Robin Williams
Message 46 of 90
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eBay Trust & Safety Team Investigation Repost #3 Opinions Please

even if I assume that everything you have written is absolutely true, my advice would be to move on. Let it go.

Message 47 of 90
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eBay Trust & Safety Team Investigation Repost #3 Opinions Please

@powell-memorabilia after eBay pays me $ 291, I'll let it go. I assume you should be able to see the documentation for yourself? I bet if you got restricted for selling something over $750, & was owed close to $300, you might see a little differently brother.

Message 48 of 90
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eBay Trust & Safety Team Investigation Repost #3 Opinions Please

@powell-memorabilia wrote:

even if I assume that everything you have written is absolutely true, my advice would be to move on. Let it go.


I agree that you need to let it go because whether or not you did anything wrong and even if you did NOTHING wrong, it's ebay's sandbox and they are allowed to restrict or suspend any account for any reason or for no reason.


Whether you like it or not, they've made their decision.

Volunteer Community Mentor

Message 49 of 90
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eBay Trust & Safety Team Investigation Repost #3 Opinions Please

@powell-memorabilia I liked how you insinuate that I'm lying lol. Is it that hard to believe lol? Good God lol!! 

Message 50 of 90
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eBay Trust & Safety Team Investigation Repost #3 Opinions Please

Alright I'm out, I've read to many ignorant comments. You guys have fun, I won't be responding. I think that I'd rather call eBay than to listen to this crap.

Message 51 of 90
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eBay Trust & Safety Team Investigation Repost #3 Opinions Please

@jrm_performance wrote:

@powell-memorabilia I liked how you insinuate that I'm lying lol. Is it that hard to believe lol? Good God lol!! 

if it came off that way, I do apologize. Truly, I don’t assume that you are lying. But, I have no idea if you have left out some relevant information, intentionally or not.


The point is that eBay has decided. Best to move on.


You are threatening to sue eBay over lost profits on an item that you can sell somewhere else. You’re asking for money for time wasted on the phone? I really don’t see how those are true damages. Major annoyances, extremely frustrating, unfair? Maybe. Maybe even likely.  but, real legal damages they are not.


good luck, brother.

Message 52 of 90
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eBay Trust & Safety Team Investigation Repost #3 Opinions Please

Perhaps what happened is the large sale if I am understanding all this triggered the bots and a subsequent review.  Upon that review Windows Keys came of issue.  eBay has requirements to sell digital delivery content and Microsoft, Adobe or many others like Autodesk are the last of things to consider selling.

These are all Business Software Alliance (BSA) members with offices in DC.  Even if you bought those licenses from Microsoft directly which is where you would have had to in order to provide providence it wouldn't matter.  In buying Keys from Microsoft you purchase a license to use the keys not to resell them.  In order to resell them you are either an authorized reseller which to the best of my knowledge doesn't even exist in Microsoft Digital Keys, DOES in retail product.  Aka: I Bought Windows 11 at Staples and of course it simply has a startup flash drive towards installation which then proceeds digitally.  The only others with access to Windows Keys are OEM authorized systems builders.


eBay if your account was restricted due to keys which a individual in Trust and Safety saw as sold in the past they cannot inform you of that anymore than a bank can inform you why a collections entity places restraint on an account.  eBay is not in the middle of it nor legally can they be without entering into liability.  It is up to the seller to know what they can and cannot do.  A user never owns a key to Windows, they are granted license to use a key nothing less, nothing more.


Many years back our county water authority and we're talking a community of 1.2 million people was hit by the BSA for using keys for both Windows and Office that were not obtained through authorized channels.  The county purchased them on a website that looked extremely credible.  They bought PC's, Laptops etc as well, same place but the builder was not an authorized OEM either.  The builder bought keys in what I guess we can call "Black market" and upon a major pushed update towards the server software that was that.


What you would need to do is contact Microsoft Legal so you can have them verify said keys were obtained legally through or an authorized Microsoft retailer.  Then ask for a temporary License Agreement covering those copies sold and have Microsoft Legal Fax it off to eBay directly.  Yet even at that, eBay does not need to release you're account.  eBay can suspend based on a wide girth of criteria and rightfully so because many sellers engage in bad activities albeit you perhaps did not.


Now if its a matter of those keys and they were not obtained through authorized channel, Microsoft Directly or an authorized reseller even contacting Microsoft can end up in deeper issues.  They can or even may have turned it over to the BSA and the BSA does have teeth.  Each and every invalid key can amount to $150,000 of copyright infringement when sold.  A consumer getting an invalid key is victim, a person selling unauthorized keys is committing a crime.  First Sale Doctrine does not apply as the key falls under a license agreement and that agreement specifically revolves around usage not resale.  If you buy a Dell Laptop you own the Laptop, you don't own Windows. You have a license agreement to use Windows on that Laptop that you enter into, in fact it will ask you to agree to the licensing agreement.



Message 53 of 90
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eBay Trust & Safety Team Investigation Repost #3 Opinions Please

If those are one hundred percent not your listings, then why does eBay believe otherwise?

Confusing, to say the least.   

Message 54 of 90
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eBay Trust & Safety Team Investigation Repost #3 Opinions Please

@soh.maryl wrote:

If those are one hundred percent not your listings, then why does eBay believe otherwise?

Confusing, to say the least.   

This too wouldn't matter as it would be the user responsibility to display safety.  eBay is usually not what gets breached, its a persons PC or Phone that opens the breach.  For example, Spectrum has policies that if they detect abnormal PC/Phone activity they shut off outgoing connection.  In order to have connection restored an authorized operation need inspect and correct the device(s).


Many moons back I had a piece of malware find its way unto machine and I'm a programmer, I'd no idea how go there.  But there it was and the Virus Scanner didn't pick up on it nor did the firewall stop it.  Next thing I know, no Internet short of a screen telling me my machine has been blocked.  I call Spectrum and that's when I got the hoe down.  So I talked to tech and we cleaned it off together but made no difference, I had to have my PC given the "OK" by an authorized entity which is what I did.


So informing eBay an account was hacked by no means results in eBay going, "Ok... Re-enabled."

Message 55 of 90
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eBay Trust & Safety Team Investigation Repost #3 Opinions Please

@jrm_performance wrote:

@mr_lincoln finally someone that see's this from my point of view! I have thought exactly what you just said, I have been saying for a month now, that their back office team is up on their high horse. No one will say anything to them for their decisions, & they don't accept phone calls from the public. I basically just feel bullied by them.


Here is where common sense fails ... looking at your history it's not like you have been knocking down $ 100K per year ... for them to go to that much trouble on an account your size is just ludicrous ... they should be more focused on stopping KNOWN scams then to trying to find one obscure needle in your haystack that points to you not being who you have proven that you are.  

They should have simply tagged your account to monitor for possible future action if strange things started to happen opposed what they have wasted their time on.  What's that old phrase, "Penny wise and Pound foolish."?????

Mr. Lincoln - Community Mentor
Message 56 of 90
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eBay Trust & Safety Team Investigation Repost #3 Opinions Please

I mean @retro_entertainment_collectibles I can't say that I disagree with you, because they didn't waive the balance, like I had been promised. The supervisor that I talked to yesterday got pretty irritated, when I told him other supervisors had promised me that my account would be back to normal. I guess that I should have just paid the negative $2000, & went about my business. That negative balance is what got me into trouble here, clearly I couldn't be in the hospital having back surgery, & selling cell phones at the same time, but I don't guess it mattered to eBay. I hope that I don't ever have to go through something like this again, extremely irritating process to say the least!

Message 57 of 90
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eBay Trust & Safety Team Investigation Repost #3 Opinions Please

@retro_entertainment_collectibles This restriction had nothing to do with those keys that I sold last year. I didn't even get a suspension or punishment for it. I was told not to do it again, & I haven't. What flagged this investigation was the fact that I sold a $3400 Wilwood Brake Kit, & went over the $750 threshold. I'm not sure why y'all are thinking these keys have anything to do with it. I sold that Wilwood Brake Kit on the 28th of January, & my account has been restricted ever since. I'll show the email that I got last year about those keys that I purchased & resold. I'm not concerned about Microsoft, I'm pretty sure they will be fine. Last time I checked they made PLENTY of money.ebay counterfit message.png

Message 58 of 90
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eBay Trust & Safety Team Investigation Repost #3 Opinions Please

Happy now? 

Message 59 of 90
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eBay Trust & Safety Team Investigation Repost #3 Opinions Please

I didn't mean to come off as aggressive, eBay has had me on edge all month. I was starting to make good sales, & things were going good, then I sold a $3400 brake kit on the 28th of January, & my account was restricted on that day. They asked me for countless documents. At the same time I sold a six pack of Wilwood Brake Fluid, & 2TB M.2 Storage drive. eBay put all of my funds on hold, which was $291 at the time.


2 things happened that wasn't in my favor. Problem one, I was out of stock on the Wilwood Brake Fluid & I had to drop ship to the customer. Wilwood wouldn't drop ship to the customer that was in the same state of California for tax reasons. So they shipped it to me then I had to ship it back to the customer in California. I told the Customer this, & I got no response. Since I added the first tracking number on eBay, it showed delivered when I received it. So instantly the customer makes a claim that he hadn't received the brake fluid. I had already shipped the brake fluid back to the customer & the case was closed when he received it. 


Problem #2, the customer that I shipped the storage drive to in Texas, decided that he would make a claim that he didn't receive the storage drive 10 days after the postal service showed to have placed it in his mail box. Since my account was on restriction over the Wilwood Brake Kit, eBay just refunds $199.98 back to the customer no questions asked, no investigation placed. I called eBay & raised hell about it. eBay looks at the tracking number & instantly realizes that I'm right, & promises me to refund the $199.98 back. 


eBay also charged me $27.95 for an upgraded eBay store on the 2nd of last month. I haven't had a eBay store since the 28th of January, since they took it down over the negative balance of my hacked account from 2017. So eBay hasn't paid me $77 for the Wilwood Brake Fluid, $200 for the M.2 Storage Drive, & $28 for the eBay store.


I doubt I'll do any suing, that's just the angry side of me coming out. But I do want my $291, that I'm owed. I wasted 32 days with eBay, they're at-least going to pay me what is owed. As for leaving things out, yes I'm sure that I did, & I guarantee there is still plenty that I have left out. This has been going on for 32 days. They even made me send proof of purchases, & then proof of bank statement. I had already provided them with a Certificate of Good Standing with the State of Arkansas, & an EIN showing the correct Address, along with a Business Checking Account with the Correct Address. They seriously asked for more documents than anyone or any company that I have ever dealt with. Hopefully this makes sense to you. I guess you could say that I have bad luck. Those 2 complaints that I received, might have caused the permanent restriction for all I know. I did things as legitimate as I could, & I still ended up having my seller account revoked. I highly doubt that I will buy anything on eBay after this, I'm extremely bitter with eBay.

Message 60 of 90
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