eBay Dead Slow Sales 2019
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‎05-10-2019 10:28 PM
If you go look at the archives you will find thread after thread of people complaining their sales have dropped off. I will have to admit that I have spent far too much time reading them and have even posted one or two.
For me it was April 2017 when it just fell off. Wasn't all that that long ago I had my first day in 5 years without a sale.
They changed some things, that's for sure. Griping about it won't help us so I thought I would share some ways that I have begun to find an increase in sales.
1. Promoted listings is not a choice. If your complaining your sales fell off and you are not using promoted listings you need to go do a blanket 1% on everything and watch it increase immediately. They found a creative way to increase the fees in a way that looks like its optional. Its not optional.
2. Stagnant Inventory. I have read that sellers have gotten eBay reps to 'reset' their listings. While I believe they may have been told this I don't believe that whatever the rep did had any meaningful effect. I have read that doing a bulk edit and not changing anything gets it going. I don't see that being very effective either. It used to be that if you posted an item you could leave it posted forever and it would eventually sell. I think the new eBay is taking a lot more data points into account like views, watchers, identical solds, and who knows what else. If it doesn't like your listing, it buries it and shows it nobody. I have not been keeping items nearly as long and I have been a lot more aggressive in revising and lowering prices. I revise at least as many items as I post everyday and double most days. Sometimes its a $1 thats the difference in sold and not sold.
3. Offers to buyers. I have sold several items with this new feature. If its not an option on your dashboard you can manually type the link to get to it. Its available to everyone.
4. Offer international shipping outside of GSP. I have had lots of sales this way and printing the label for a first class international (up to 4lbs by the way) is as easy as printing a US one. The only difference is you have to sign it. I have had a couple people do something like pay $150 in shipping to get a $75 item, and that kills me on the fees but that rarely happens and I have yet to loose money on any deal because of it.
5. Returns and cases. I seem to notice a drastic dip in sales directly after I get two returns and/or cases. Just one doesn't seem to have an effect but it seems like if I get two inside of a week, sales suck for several days after. Anyone else notice this? This has led me to a point to where I will not sell anything with a defect. People are looking at the gallery photo and the price and NOTHING ELSE. I will sell new, and fully functional used, and that's it. Sometimes really expensive items still have significant value even if they are only partially working, I will not longer sell that. If I don't feel like the ENTIRE listing can meet the expectation created by just the first photo I don't list it on ebay at all. I guess what I am saying is be more selective with your sourcing.
6. Competition. There are a lot more people selling on ebay. I sure wish I knew how many sellers were on ebay three years ago vs. today. I really have been trying to find items that nobody else is offering or have few comps. I have found myself passing on things not because the margin wasn't there but because there are 3,423 other ones already posted. In the past I would have bought anything that had a sold comp with a good margin, not anymore.
So that was my goal of this post, just to share some ways I am finding a little traction. Hope it helps.
On a side note....
For going on three or four months I noticed a big decrease in return abuse and entitled cheats. I had a period of time with 0 open returns and quite a run with only 1. This weeks I had 2 big fat cheaters. They were all cheap items that had returns anyway, and I got the items back, so not a huge deal. They only stole shipping fees.
One guy asked a silly question about a set of waders I had posted. I referred him to the portion of the listing that answered the question so he couldn't use the semantics of my answer to start a return later. He didn't like that answer so he bought the item with the intent of returning it. Brand New Item. Has UPC. Has same information as all other sellers with same item and same UPC. eBay was kind of enough to remove the defect, but having to call waste my time, kinda aggravating.
I had a somewhat rare bible. It was in pretty rough shape. I wouldn't source or list the same item again. I took good photos of all the damage and described all the damage in detail. If I remember right this bible in good used condition goes for around $40+. This one sold for $20. 30 Day returns, no good reason needed to return it. Shipping was just over $3. Then of course they choose a reason that causes me a defect and say " I love this bibles I would never allow any one do this type of harm to any book let a lone a bible". What a looney toon.
I love how these people can come to ebay and treat it like facebook and at the end of the day it doesn't cost them a dime. They are not shopping for items, they are shopping for a problem to create. eBay does offer us one thing most other platforms don't, the blocked list.
Person 1 had 0 feedback. I think they created a new account to distance what they were about to do from their real account. Person 2 had 1 feedback. Not well established members of the ebay community by any stretch. Returns for users with less than 5 feedback should require a look by an actual person at ebay before they are allowed to apply a defect. Even if it looks like it went through to the user, actual look prior to defect application seems like common sense.
So I know there are some people out there that had a big drop in sales, is there anyone out there that has kept pumping up items and found some success with any new techniques? Get any crazy returns?
Anyone out there sell 20 items instead of 10 and wanna tells us all who say the sales fell off we are crazy because you had a 100% increase? 🙂
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‎10-03-2019 07:45 PM
Sales are very slow indeed. The glitches are many. I tried the promoted for a short time, but I'm just not willing to pay more. The prices I have to pay for things is getting higher, the price of shipping is getting higher, the price people are willing to pay is getting lower. On one item I sold on promoted listings, eBay made more than I did on it. No thanks. Too much work for not enough money.
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‎10-03-2019 08:15 PM
hotspotauctions I agree particularly on your last point about buyers wanting to pay less....I have had to lower prices several times.
I walk around Kohl's and am amazed at the increase in prices!
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‎10-05-2019 05:37 AM
Your request has been granted. Yes he ran it right directly as south as he could. He had some good ideas that all went to the wayside in efforts to get as much money as he could from the sellers. There was no balance and he just went right for the jugular. The trust in Ebay was totally destroyed as he used that to his advantage then would unleash his master plan unsuspectingly upon the sellers. Promoted listings is the perfect example. He used the trust sellers have with Ebay to use promoted listings and even showed by using it how much better sales would be. Yes if you blanketed your sales with a 1% promotion you definitely saw more sales. Mostly however were sales of items that rank high, newly listed items, and items that would sell anyway. The idea of a promoted listing is to help items that sell slower or try to get up front of a saturated category. Not at Ebay though, it was used for ebay to gain control of what will sell easily and get more profit for themselves from this item. But thats not the total master plan. Then it came in September where he decided to sneak up on the sellers and yank their organic listings. I don't think I even need to get into the mechanics of how this improves their odds of getting more money from the seller but it was sneaky and downright dirty. But you go ahead and keep using promoted listings if you want. Yup you will see some xtra sales. But your ebay Bill will see much much more. As you should know if you have promoted an item, especially high dollar and well ranking it is GOING to sell as promoted with xtra fees. It will be shown when they want it to be shown and to whom they want to see it. The person who searches for an item may or may not see it and if they have ad blocker well GOOD LUCK then. Most of all He destroyed the trust sellers have in Ebay. Leaving folks feeling cheated, betrayed and a feeling of no worth to ebay other than they want whats in your pocket at any expense and if they have to trick you into i they will. Go ahead folks keep using promoted listings and help Ebay take itself further own the path of destruction. They have not come up with one genius thing to gain more buyers just how they can get their hands down deep in your pocket.
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‎10-05-2019 09:18 PM
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‎10-05-2019 09:43 PM
I searched RED ST JOHN KNIT JACKET and got nearly 700 results - it appears they are all St John, and red.
In SOLDS there were close to 300.
I did notice that the top results were clear across the country. What a clever way for ebay to collect higher FVF's.
@frock_my_world wrote:I would like to go back to the days when I put RED ST JOHN KNIT JACKET into the search field and every single red St John Knit jacket that was currently for sale was instantly pulled up for me to choose from. NOT any RED jacket Cassini had determined, in its infinite AI wisdom, that I would be most likely to purchase.
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‎10-10-2019 03:57 PM
In regards to slow sales. I have noticed that when we sell something it will be all California and then Texas. The nothing for a while. Ebay search has screwed over the little sellers. Time to do something else.
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‎10-10-2019 06:21 PM
@clu3if you pay close attention when you have items that cost more to ship they will most likely be sold if say your on the east coast to someone on the west coast. This is a very genius way for ebay to collect the fees on shipping costs! All that needs to be done is collect info on items weight and size and then show that listing to folks on the opposite coast. You can't say that is not being done... There should never be fees on top of shipping. Don't say its because folks were jacking shipping fees up and lowering their Buy it Now cost because all that needs to be done is subtract the shipping label cost from total collected and there ya go. And for those that don't want to use Ebay labels or a third party that is connected and just want go to USPS or FedEx , well tough cookies then let them pay the fees on total collected. Everyone should be using Ebay Labels or approved Third Party and tracking on all items.
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‎10-10-2019 06:28 PM
@vsb1146 wrote:In regards to slow sales. I have noticed that when we sell something it will be all California and then Texas. The nothing for a while. Ebay search has screwed over the little sellers. Time to do something else.
California and Texas are two of the states with the highest populations, so it makes sense that a large number of sales will be to those states. I get more sales to California, Texas, New York and Florida than probably all of the rest of the states combined simply because there are more people in those states.
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‎10-13-2019 07:03 AM - edited ‎10-13-2019 07:04 AM
A few more reasons:
1. Ebay is just way too slow to browse around, with each step/page taking forever to achieve.
2. Local language being fed by force via an IP address. Selected English intentionally myself, but when clicked to go to the seller's store was served local language without a way changing it back to English. A lot of times changing to English then browsing for one or two pages and it goes back to local language. Most of the time I left the store or the site without spending a dime on it because of "local language force feeding" and "accept cookies" terror.
3. Did I mention that one has to go through multiple "ACCEPT COOKIES" in a day? F.O. already.
4. Ridiculous layout on ebay where you get to see all the other items before you even get a chance to look up the items you want to buy.
There are many more reasons, that I won't mention this time.
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‎10-14-2019 09:19 AM
Two sales this month-one a week. Pitiful performance. My daughter told me yesterday she was a large eBay shopper but kept being redirected to new items (vs used items) so much that she gave up on eBay - basically she fired eBay.
I'm still trying other platforms, two being tried now.
I didn't leave eBay, neither did my daughter rather eBay left us!
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‎10-14-2019 02:16 PM
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‎10-14-2019 04:13 PM
But they must be seeing a loss of sales? I cannot understand that if so many sellers are leaving or downgrading their stores how Ebay is not concerned about losing the revenue? Do they really think they can survive on the Chinese sellers alone and can't they see that it has turned Ebay into a junk shop and just maybe that is part of the problem?
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‎10-14-2019 06:37 PM
Unlike the US sellers who used to SELL and BUY on this platform,
The Sellers from China only sell and spend their money elsewhere.
the result is a movement of many quality US sellers to alternative venues, Ebay is left without many of it's best buyers who will never shop here again from obvious reasons, they spend their money elsewhere as well.
Again, many of the buyers who used to spend fortune here, are no longer shopping here.
now, whats left is to find more ways to milk the sellers that are still around, GTC, PL, MP, 5% FVF metrics penalties and etc'.
The next USPS Shipping rate increase this coming January will increase the venue's profit as well since they charge FVF on shipping from the sellers who still purchase their shipping labels with Ebay, easy money.
Like someone already said here today, the writing is on the wall.
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‎10-14-2019 07:08 PM
Sales dropped radically around August of this year for me. It has been a big terrible change in my little business. Ebay has gotten too greedy and when companies get this way, that is the beginning of the decline not just for us but also for them. Consistency is key but greed curbs the consistency. A very sad commentary on year another company driven by greed.
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‎10-15-2019 03:00 AM
Same here. Sales plummeted in mid August. I have had 2 sales total in the the last 3 weeks. The only listings that seem to be getting clicks are the promoted listings or the brand new ones. Everything else just sits there with no views. Same thing over at ESTY. At this point it makes more sense to take all my money out of all of these platforms and just pay for google ads for my website. We are getting NOTHING for our money here now.