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drop in sales and views

I dont understand what is happening,  I am down 42%  on sales, page views etc. etc.  I can barely make ends meet these last few weeks.  I dont' know what do do.


I know the economy isn't great but there has to be a reason for the sudden drop.  


Anyone else seeing it?  Is it ebay?  why arent my items getting seen?????


Thanks for your input

Message 1 of 99
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drop in sales and views

Your just full of great wisdom arent you?


It's "aren't".

Message 91 of 99
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drop in sales and views

@gamersbaystore wrote:

We didn't have record high inflation in 2008 and contrary to your statements, the economy is absolutely in the dumps right now.

It literally isn't. My friend who owns a liquor store has had such great sales this year that he's opening up a bar down the street next month, paid for entirely by his sales from the store. Around here, you can't walk a block without seeing places that are hiring starting at $18 and up. My local Target is currently hiring overnight stockers for $24/hour. The local Starbucks is starting at $20+ an hour. All of these places are hurting for workers. If I needed a job I could go out tomorrow and have one by the end of the day, guaranteed at least $18/hour and most likely more, because places want to be competitive.

Message 92 of 99
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drop in sales and views

The answer is incredibly simple. eBay wants more money from promotions, so they tank your sales hoping you will pay up to get them back. Has nobody noticed that everything went wrong right about the time they started pushing PLA?


Why would they NOT sabotage sellers? They make more money by crippling you to the point you shovel cash at them just to make a few sales. That is the game here, to squeeze us until nothing else comes out.

Message 93 of 99
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drop in sales and views

@allthings-collectible wrote:

The economy is robust right now, especially retail.


No it isn't. Last month we saw a dead-cat bounce in consumer confidence after 4 months of decline. Any uptick is probably coming from sales of big-ticket stuff, purchases people have been putting off since the greed-based spate of inflation hit. The economy is suffering from stagflation.


@allthings-collectible wrote:

Like most sellers, the OP's issue is the direct result of eBay no longer being driven by GMV and has everything to do with now being driven by ads.

Endorse. I only resort to listing upgrades when I'm really bored. It's a sucker bet. Lower prices will get sales.

Message 94 of 99
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drop in sales and views

Its for sure the economy but, it would be nice if they would advertise. Cant remember a commercial. I think they advertise eBay motors a while back.  Its suppose to be a busy time of year . Year after year eBay drops the ball on advertising.

What your selling also is a big factor, and who you are as a seller. I noticed a lot of Negs on your rating. That a seller killer

Message 95 of 99
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drop in sales and views

Supposedly the sell similar doesn't work to make it a "new listing' anymore as ebay now tags the photos somehow and knows it's not. Maybe we all need to keep a photo or 2 back when we first list so we can swap them out sometime down the road?



"If a product doesn't sell, raise the price" - Reese Palley
"If it sold FAST, it was priced too low" - also Reese Palley
Message 96 of 99
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drop in sales and views

@reallynicestamps wrote:


If you promote your items at a high percentage and your traffic goes up but your sales don't, that should very very clearly tell you that your items are the issue, not eBay.


This should be embroidered on a sampler.

Yep. Anytime something makes your traffic go up but sales don't follow, you need to look at the actual listing as the issue.

"If a product doesn't sell, raise the price" - Reese Palley
"If it sold FAST, it was priced too low" - also Reese Palley
Message 97 of 99
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drop in sales and views

@tools* wrote:

@chapeau-noir wrote:

Housing market is perking along here - I think people just move around.


I was just thinking this evening how I used to shop on eBay all the time, back in the day. Now I rarely do - why? There is so much competition, so much choice, and in the last few years, particularly since the pandemic was wiping out almost entire families where I live, I began to question if I really need "stuff" - I'll bet I'm not alone.

Two different townhouses on my block in NYC sold this year for a little over seven million dollars apiece, each setting a record for the highest price ever paid for a single-family house in my neighborhood.

It's getting to where you simply can't afford to live some places.

"If a product doesn't sell, raise the price" - Reese Palley
"If it sold FAST, it was priced too low" - also Reese Palley
Message 98 of 99
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drop in sales and views

@sakic92710 wrote:

Cancelled my store subscription then, the next step will just be ending my listings.  That should make you happy, hartung.  You might learn a lesson that you are unable to judge people; especially absolute strangers. 


eBay was so sorry to see me cancel & asked for more info about how they can improve the situation.  I told them they need to make it possible for my listings to be more visible to potential buyers!  

And did they tell you that you just need to promote them to be seen? 

"If a product doesn't sell, raise the price" - Reese Palley
"If it sold FAST, it was priced too low" - also Reese Palley
Message 99 of 99
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