03-17-2025 09:18 AM
i sold a sneaker and it was shipped to be authenticated and shipped to buyer from the authentication center , and buyer hasn't recived the shoes and he opened a case , but is it still my fault that he still havent recived the item he purchased or ebays fault ? like would the money come out from my account ? after i did all my part during the sale would it be the sellers fault at the end of the day ?
03-17-2025 10:54 AM
If a buyer contacts you with a delivery issue or if the buyer opens an INR, IMHO these are the steps to take.
If an INR was opened, make sure you upload the tracking number to the INR right away.
Go to USPS website and review the detail tracking info.
On this tracking screen there is a place to file for email updates as there is movement on the tracking. Sign up for that so you get informed right away when something gets entered to the tracking.
Go and file for a TRACE, I don't recommend filing for Missing Mail just yet. The two are completely different actions. The Trace usually gets the job done quicker.
Contact your buyer. Keep all contact inside the INR filed so everything is recorded on the claim. Let your buyer know you are working with USPS to get their package delivered. Apologize for the delay. And let them know you filed a trace which takes between 48-72 hours for USPS to respond. As you get any information you will update the buyer right away. Assure your buyer that you are working this problem and will continue to do so until a proper resolution.
If there is movement on the tracking within the last 7 days, Ebay will keep the INR open. Do not voluntarily issue the refund yet. It is highly likely the package is going to get delivered, it is just late. Annoying for the buyer for sure. Just stay in touch with them and assure them you are working on a resolution.
03-17-2025 11:19 AM
thank you so much for your responce
03-17-2025 11:23 AM
You are very welcome. I hope it helps.
03-17-2025 04:30 PM
Hi @supplystation-x . You used the eBay-provided FedEx label to ship to the sneaker authenticators, correct? And there is confirmed delivery to the authenticator?
What type of case did the buyer open - did they file an item not received (INR) request through eBay? Or did they file a payment dispute?
If they filed an INR through eBay, all you need to do is go to the INR, click the link to update tracking. The FedEx number will be pre-filled. Click the button to confirm the tracking number and your job is done.
Package lost between authentication center and buyer is not your problem; you are covered by seller protections as long as you follow the process.
03-17-2025 04:35 PM
they did opened a request because they haven’t received their item , and yeah i took the label provider that they offer witch is Fedex and shoe was authenticated and shipped to them via usps , im trying to figure out where can i update the tracking number in the INR
sweet and good to know i am protected thru by seller proctetion , i need to figure out on how to do this steps now
03-17-2025 04:37 PM
when i click "see details" in the message i get from ebay telling me that theres been a open case towards the listing only thing i see in big is saying "Your case is on hold " and below it just shows me what the buyer commented for this reason
03-17-2025 04:38 PM - edited 03-17-2025 04:40 PM
@supplystation-x wrote:when i click "see details" in the message i get from ebay telling me that theres been a open case towards the listing only thing i see in big is saying "Your case is on hold " and below it just shows me what the buyer commented for this reason
OK so it sounds like eBay has automatically stepped in because it's an authenticity shipment. They put the case on hold to allow more time for USPS to deliver to the buyer before eBay refunds.
In that case you don't need to do anything to confirm tracking - just let eBay handle it as they've already stepped in.
Authenticator shipping USPS to your buyer is not something you should get involved with. Do not attempt to file any inquiries with USPS as you are neither the sender nor the recipient. That's between the buyer and eBay.
03-17-2025 04:40 PM
when i click this link it shows me " Unable to load this page. Please try again later. " 😞
03-17-2025 10:39 PM
I wonder if the INR was filed because the buyer saw the Fedex tracking showing delivery to the authenticator and may not have understood or realized that there were two parts to the shipment.
After the sneakers passed the authentication portion of the transaction, ebay should have sent you the USPS tracking number for the next leg of the shipping to the buyer. What does USPS tracking show for that number? Is it still showing that it's in transit?
03-18-2025 06:21 AM
no it showed that item could not be deliver but now i think i got good new its showing
03-18-2025 07:34 AM
Any delivery issues with the final leg of the authentication falls on eBay. Actually there’s nothing you can do. eBay automatically handles it. Of course, they use terrible verbiage.
03-18-2025 03:47 PM
@supplystation-x wrote:no it showed that item could not be deliver but now i think i got good new its showing
Mon, Mar 176:13amRETURN TO SENDER PROCESSEDMIAMI, FL 33101might be sent back to ebay and ebay would take care of it now 🙂 im not 100% sure but i guess this might happend
Yes, it'll go to ebay's authentication center and they take care of dealing with it. Your funds will be released.