06-29-2019 06:07 AM
I have a problem, when I try to list 20 YU dinars from 1938, coins, I get a message from e-bay saying:
"It looks like there's a problem with this listing.
You are not permitted to offer shipping to Germany (this includes worldwide or EU) for this item. Please revise your listing to domestic-only or other non-Germany shipping options."
I don't even understand what does it mean?
Funny thing, even when I put Germany on exclusion list, it still says the same. What is that, some unknown restriction or a glitch in the system ? Can someone explain ?
06-29-2019 06:10 AM
It sounds like you must add countries manually one by one.
It sounds like your item is not allowed for import in Germany. Restrictions like this pop up now and then.
06-29-2019 06:13 AM
For many countries, it is illegal for gold - jewelry, bullion, coins, etc. - to be sent in by mail.
06-29-2019 06:42 AM
As someone said, it's more than just Germany:
this includes worldwide or EU
So you can't have the EU countries in there either..........
06-29-2019 08:33 AM
Sometimes it is the choice of words used in the title or description that causes these warnings.
I once had a listing that was telling me selling ivory was not permitted. My description had "crossed elephant tusks" -- replacing that allowed the listing to become active. The listing was for a copper coin.