07-20-2020 11:41 AM
I have used personal messages on my packing slip for ten years so when recently eBay decided they had a better idea I had to make a 'word document' overlay that gave me back control of how I communicate with my buyers.
After a try or two once again my packing slip looks how I want it too look.
07-20-2020 11:46 AM
Very nice. I have a small pre-printed slip of paper thanking my customer and I then write the item name, a thank you, and my initial. I like the personal touch too.
07-20-2020 11:58 AM
I've always used Paypal's packing slip. It have it customized with my logo and thank you message. I always verify each payment, so while I'm there in Paypal I print off the packing slip and make my ledger entries.
07-20-2020 12:07 PM
This is what I do too. I use the default eBay packing slip and then just handwrite a thank you on it and sign it with my user name.
07-20-2020 02:07 PM
For orders with lots of items that i would like itemized with price shipping tax etc i print the order details out instead since they dumbed down the packing slips
Obviously the printer friendly page as i dont want the picture of the item printed just the list form. I find it helpful on large orders as i can check off the list as i fill their box.