01-15-2022 05:35 PM
Can someone tell me why my 90 day total says $352.00 but I've actually only sold 4 items in the past week because I'm new and it totals only $156.00 where is the other money coming from? I did have items that were never paid and the sale had to be cancelled does eBay count that?
01-15-2022 05:54 PM
@danbl_4207 wrote:I did have items that were never paid and the sale had to be cancelled does eBay count that?
Those still count as a sale, even though you didn't get paid for them.
01-15-2022 09:18 PM
For future non payers:
If a buyer hasn’t paid within 4 days, on the 5th day you can go to your Seller Hub to cancel the transaction using the “Buyer hasn't paid” reason and this gives the buyer a strike and you can relist. In future to have eBay automatically cancel your transactions due to non-payment:
Go here: https://www.ebay.com/Cancel/Preference/UnpaidPurchase
01-15-2022 09:48 PM
Just double checking you weren’t saying this takes them out of one’s total….
Even cancelled, non paid, buyer striked items stay in one’s total.
Which is like getting your face rubbed in your disappointment for 90 days straight.
Soooooo annoying!!!
03-14-2022 11:17 PM
And what’s even more annoying…I think this huge total they have us making goes into the total they say we’ve made for tax purposes! eBay sent me a tax form, and every month they show is much higher than what I actually made. It’s maddening. They make things so complicated, that they assume you’ll give up trying to figure it out 😡
03-14-2022 11:23 PM
All you can do is keep records of all your expenses.
Those unpaid sales are deductible, along with any fees you accrued in (not) selling them.
And your costs for packaging, sales taxes, postage and shipping, possibly even donations of unsaleable merchandise to charity shops.
You are not paying taxes on the "$600 " but on whatever profit you made on the total you received in payments.
It's been said before, a lot of sellers are going to learn what they thought was a profitable business is actually a money -eating hobby.